Why Game on PC

A Quick Glance as to Why Game on PC Why Game on PC as Opposed to Console? The debate between PC and console gaming is as old as the platforms themselves. While both have their merits, many gamers find that PC gaming offers several distinct advantages. Here are some key reasons why you might prefer […]

Dirt 2.0

After playing Dirt 5, I Was Curious About Other Dirt Games. The Change Was Nice I’m not going to lie; Dirt 5 is a beautiful game. a lot of cars, tracks, career mode is fun until you end up online and that when it ends for me. After spending time in multiplayer with overly aggressive […]

Grid 2 In 2022

It’s Alive And Unforgiving It’s been said that fine wine taste better with age. Grid 2 is no exception. Grid 2 is an arcade racing game released back in 2013. I loved every minute of it when I played it back on Play Station 3. Back then, I didn’t care for the career mode, I […]

Poker Club

Poker Club on Steam/PS4/5 and Xbox From Donkey to Shark My first poker experience was back on PlayStation 3 on a game called High Stakes Poker on the Vegas Strip. When I first started playing, I had no clue as to what a pair, a straight, a flush, the flop, nothing. I was clueless. Nevertheless, […]

Battlefield 2042

Load-outs Are no Longer Character Specific I put around 57 hours into BF2042 of the time of this writing and I can, honestly, enjoy Battlefield 2042. As far as the specialist, each come with a different set of skills set. For instance, you have the dude with the grappling hook and you have a the […]

Where to Adress Concerns

If you have any issues or concerns, or harassment issues, you can send me message in messenger, here on The Social Pit or, shoot me a message via Twitter message. You’ll see the twitter icon to your bottom right hand corner, If I’m not online, I will reply as soon as I can, and your […]

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