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My most favorite Marvel Superhero when i was a kid was The Punisher, i also had a fancy for the Flash.
My personal favorites are Americop, and of course, Double Dragon.
I am particularly the most big on militants and war soldiers other than beholders of omnipotence(I do not like nostalgia superheroes or popularity obsessions, nor do i like goof offs, vulnerability humbleties, or losers, i never did, i dont know why it attracts me only comics, because some i do fanaticize crazy egotisms in other entertainment worlds and amusement methods), like the Living Tribunal, Superman, Eternity, The Fulcrum, The Beyonder, or Iron Lantern or Iron Patriot, but ill include a list of the comics militants and where they fit into.
Heavy infantry
The Punisher, U.S. Marines Captain of the 12th Special Forces Infantry Sniper(Marines Delta Force derivitive)
Nick Fury, U.S. Army Delta Force, Special Activities Division
The Winter Soldier- U.S. Army Delta Force, Special Activities Division
James Bourne- U.S. Army Delta Force, Special Activities Division
Light infantry
Americop, Houston Police Class D officer(Houston National Guard crosstraining), extended training in ordinance and some complimentary DARPA weapons. Highly trained in Police Physical Force and invincible failsafe martial arts tactics.
Jimmy Lee aka Codename Bart(Double Dragon, hero of Operation 42AW), Unit M- 28th Infantry Special Troops Warfare Division(P.A. National Guards 2nd Infantry assigned Task Force 20), Daytona Police Class D officer, training downgraded- Light machinegun, M16/Ar-15, 22 caliber/Einfeld and Winchester, Army civilian freestyle patron of The Art of the Dragon.
Steve Rogers(Captain America), Army 75th Rangers(Special op)/Police investigations advisor(Compared to a temporary deputy), highly trained in hand to hand forcetraining indifferential.
Jonathan Walker(U.S. Agent), Army 75th Rangers(Special op)/Police investigations advisor(Compared to a temporary deputy), highly trained in hand to hand forcetraining indifferential.