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Compound List of Old English Words found in the KJV and What They Mean

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    • #8034
      HKGS GeoSwas

        Here is a compound list of Old English words and there meaning. It’s all listed in alphabetical order. This is helpful if you want to know the meaning of a word. If you don’t find a word in the following list you may need help with, use Google.

        ABASE: To humble; to lower.
        ABATE: Diminish; lessen; lower intensity.
        ABBA Aramaic/Hebrew for ā€œfather.ā€
        ABHOR: Despise; hate; loathe.
        ACQUIT: To hold guiltless.
        ADAMANT: A diamond or hard substance.
        ADJURE: To command; compel; force.
        AFOOT: By feet; performed by foot.
        AFORETIME: A previous time.
        AFRESH: Again; anew.
        AGAR: Another name for Hagar.
        AGONE: Gone by; past; ago.
        AMIABLE: Likable or friendly. (edited)
        ANOINT: To apply oil or ointment.
        APOSTLE: Missionary or messenger.
        APOTHECARY: Pharmacist or druggist.
        ANON: Immediately.
        ANTICHRIST: One opposed to Christ.
        ARMHOLES: Armpits.
        ARRAY: To dress or decorate.
        ASSWAGE: Cease from anger; calm down.
        ASTONIED: Astonished or amazed.
        AVOUCH: Affirm or vouch for.
        AWAY WITH: Endure or tolerate.
        AXLETREE(S): Axle of a wheel.

        BACKBITETH: To speak mean or evil about.
        BACKBITINGS: Plural of Backbiteth.
        BADEST: Asked; told; spoke to; said to
        BARBARIAN(S): Culturally rude or crude.
        BASE: Low in place or position. (ABASE)
        BECAME: Was exactly suited for; fitting.
        BDELLIUM: A fragrant gum
        BEDSTEAD: Elaborate or rich couch or bed.
        BELIED: To lie against; to speak falsely.
        BEMOAN: Lament; express pity for.
        BERYL: A precious stone.
        BESEECH: To call upon; appeal; beg; ask.
        BESOM: A broom or stick used to sweep.
        BESOUGHT: Entreated; asked; called.
        BETROTH(ED): To be engaged to be married.
        BETWIXT: Between the two.
        BEWITCHED: To fascinate or mislead.
        BLAINS: Inflamed skin tumors.
        BLAZE: Proclaim; make known; publish.
        BLESSED: Happy; receiving of Godā€™s favor
        BOSSES: Circular swelling; center of a shield.
        BOTCH: An ulcer.
        BREACHES: Bays; harbors; creeks.
        BREECHES: Short legged trousers.
        BRIGANDINES: A coat of armor.
        BRUTISH: Stupid.
        BUCKLER: A shield. (edited)

        CALDRONS: A pot; kettle.
        CALKERS: Repairers of seams.
        CANKER: Dying/ decaying body part or sore.
        COMELY: Splendid; fitting.
        COMPASS: To surround; encircle.
        CONCISION: Cutting off; false circumcision.
        CONCORD: Agreement; unison.
        CONCOURSE: Gathering or crowd of people.
        CONCUBINES: A secondary or inferior wife.
        CONFERRED: To speak or talk together.
        CONSECRATE: To set apart or separate.
        CONSTRAINED: To compel.
        CONTEMN: To despise with mockery.
        COUNTENANCE: Appearance.
        COUNTERVAIL: To make equal or compensate.
        COURSE: In portion; part; in turn.
        COVERT: A hiding place.
        CUBIT: A linear measurement.
        CUMBERED: Distracted or burdened with cares.
        CUMBERETH: To render useless or vain.
        CUMMIN: Plant bearing aromatic seeds.
        CUTINSUNDER: To cut into pieces.

        DAINTIES: Tempting; good tasting; delicacy
        DALE: Valley.
        DAM: A mother.
        DEARTH: Famine, especially from lack of rain.
        DEFAMED: Slander; speak evil of.
        DEGENERATE: Fallen; undesirable; canā€™t do good.
        DEPUTED: Authorized; appointed; deputized.
        DEVIL, HATH A: Has a Devil; crazy or insane.
        DIADEM: Turban; crown. Also a jewel stone.
        DISQUIET: Disturb; make restless.
        DISSEMBLED: To use deceit; to feign or hide.
        DISSEMBLERS: Pretenders; hypocrites.
        DOTING: To appear to be ill; or sick over.
        DRAGONS: Great serpent; jackal or wild dog.
        DRAUGHT (waste): Latrine; toilet; sewer.
        DRAUGHT (fishing): Fish caught with net
        DROPSY: An illness.
        DROSS: Impurities found in pure metal.
        DROVE: Flock; company.
        DRYSHOD: Footed with shoes.
        DUKE: A head of a family or tribe.
        DURETH: Endures; lasts.
        DURST: To dare; venture (edited)

        EAR: To work, till, or plough the ground.
        EARING: Plowing; tilling the ground.
        EARNEST: Unbreakable pledge or promise.
        EASTER: Day after feast-Unleavened Bread.
        ELDER: Older; greater in age.
        ELIAS: Elijah (Greek NT).
        ELISEUS: Elisha (Greek NT).
        EMERODS: Tumors; hemorrhoids.
        EMINENT: Something raised high or elevated.
        ESPOUSED: Engaged to be married.
        ESPIED: To see; behold.
        ESTRANGED: Separated by disagreement.
        EUROCLYDON: A furious, northeasterly wind.
        EVEN: Evening; dusk.
        EVENINGTIDE: Evening time.
        EXHORTATION: Encouragement.
        EXPOUNDED: To set forth; to declare.
        EXTOL: To lift up; esteem; praise.
        EXTORTIONERS: Greedy person who extorts others.
        EYESALVE: Medicine for the eyes.
        EYESERVICE: Looking good while being watched.

        FABLE: is a narrative in which being irrational, and sometimes inanimate, are, for the purpose of moral instruction, feigned to act and speak with human interests and passions.
        FAIN: To desire earnestly; long for; happy.
        FAIRS: Wares; merchandise.
        FAMILIARS: Intimate friends.
        FELLOES: Wheel rim.
        FENS: Marsh; swamp.
        FENCED: Fortified; protected.
        FLAGS: A plant growing in moist places.
        FLAY: To strip or tear away.
        FLOWERS: Plant; menstrual flow; blood.
        FLUX: Bowel disease; dysentery; diarrhea.
        FOLDEN: Interwoven; tangled.
        FORBEARANCE: Self-restraint.
        FORSOOK: To abandon.
        FORSWEAR: To swear falsely.
        FORTHWITH: Immediately.
        FOWLS: Birds.
        FRAY: To make afraid; to scare.
        FROWARD: Perverse; deceitful; causing frown.
        FURLONGS: Approximately 1/8 mile (660 feet).
        FURROWS: Groove in earth made by a plow. (edited)

        GADDEST: To have roamed; gone away.
        GAINSAY: Answer; speak against; speak lies.
        GAPED: To open wide the mouth.
        GIRT: Belted; wrapped.
        GOAD: A pointed stick.
        GODSPEED: A goodbye hoping Godā€™s blessing.
        GOSPEL: Good news (about salvation).
        GRACE: Kindness; favor.
        GRAVEN: To cut, engrave, or carve.
        GRAVITY: Dignity; seriousness.
        GRISLED: Spotted; speckled.
        GROSS: Fat; thick; large.
        GUILE: Deceit; craftiness.

        HABERGEON: A coat of armor.
        HAFT: A handle.
        HAIL: A greeting of joy and peace.
        HALE: To draw; drag; force.
        HALLOWED: To make holy; to set apart.
        HALT: Lame; crippled in the feet.
        HAP: Good fortune; good luck.
        HAPLY: Perhaps.
        HAUGHTY: Proud; arrogant; lifted up.
        HAUNT: To inhabit, visit, or dwell.
        HEADY: Reckless; hasty; headstrong.
        HEARTH: A furnace; fire.
        HEATH: An evergreen shrub or tree.
        HEATHEN: Nations; non-Jews; non-believers
        HERETIC: False teacher who causes division.
        HEWN: Cut; sawed.
        HIN: Liquid measurement (5 liters +/-).
        HIRELING: A hired laborer.
        HISS: Whistle.
        HOLDEN: Held.
        HOLLOW: Palm; cup.
        HOSEN: Under clothes; hose-like stockings.
        HOUGH: See HOCK (Pronounced as HOCK)
        HUSBANDMEN: Farmer; person who tends crops.
        HYSSOP: A bitter minty herb.

        IGNOMINY: Contempt; shame; dishonoring.
        IMMUTABLE: Unchangeable; unsilenced.
        IMPENITENT: Without remorse.
        IMPERIOUS: Hard-faced; bold; self exalting.
        IMPLACABLE: Unyielding; obstinate; canā€™t please.
        IMPLEAD: Bring accusation against; sue.
        IMPORTUNITY: Persistent or urgent requests.
        IMPUDENT: Stubborn; hard-faced; rude.
        INCONTINENCY: Lack of self-control.
        INCONTINENT: Unbridled; uncontrollable.
        INDITING: Overflowing; full of.
        INFAMY: An evil reputation; disgrace.
        INFIDEL: An unbeliever.
        INIQUITY: Sin; wickedness; evil.
        INORDINATE: Without restraint; immoderate.
        INSTANT: Insistent; steadfast; immediately.
        INTREAT: Comfort; attempt to reconcile; help.

        JACINTH: A precious stone.
        JANGLING: Foolish; empty talk; argument.
        JOINED HARD: Border; adjacent to; connected.
        JONAS: Jonah (Greek NT).
        JOT: The smallest Hebrew letter (ā€œiā€).

        KERCHIEFS: Veil; covering.
        KINDREDS: Tribe; family.
        KINE: Cows; cattle.
        KNOPS: Decorative knob or ornament.
        KNOW: Intimate sexual relations.

        LADE: To burden; to load.
        LANGUISH: Wither; to be made weak.
        LASCIVIOUSNESS: Unbridled sexuality or excess.
        LAUD: To applaud; praise.
        LAVER: Wash basin.
        LAWYERS: Person skilled in the Law of Moses.
        LEASING: Falsehood; deceit.
        LEATHERN: Made of skin.
        LEES: Sediment.
        LEGIONS: About 3000-6000 (usually soldiers)
        LET: Obstruct; hold back (Romans 1:13)
        LEVIATHON: Crocodile; dragon; Satan
        LEWDNESS: Villainy; wickedness; crime.
        LITTER(S): Object carried with poles by others.
        LOFT: Story; floor; roof.
        LOINS: The lower back; waist.
        LOP: To cut off.
        LOT: Portion; destiny; fate.
        LOWING: Mooing; making cow noises.
        LUCRE: Gain (money) from lucrative deal.

        MANTLE: Garment; covering.
        MARTYRS: One who dies for a belief or cause.
        MATRIX(S): Womb.
        MATTOCK: Hoe; spade; agricultural tool.
        MAW: Mouth; throat.
        MAZZAROTH: Constellations of the Zodiac signs.
        MEAN: Obscure; insignificant. (Acts 21:39)
        MEAT: Food.
        MEET: Agreeable; fit; proper; suitable.
        MESSIAS: Anointed One.
        METE: To measure; to deal out.
        METEYARD: Measures of length.
        MILCH: To suckle or give milk.
        MINISHED: To be made few; diminished.
        MINISTERS: Servants.
        MIRE: Mud; clay-like soil.
        MIRTH: Gladness; rejoicing; laughter.
        MITE: Small Jewish coin called a lepton.
        MITRE: Turban; headdress; ornamental hat.
        MORTIFY: To put to death; to take away.
        MUNITION: Fortress; stronghold.
        MURRAIN: Pestilence; plague; disease.
        MUSTERETH: Inspect; assemble (troops).

        NAUGHT: Nothing; vain; bad.
        NECROMANCER: One who talks with the dead.
        NEESINGS: Sneezing.
        NETHER: Lower.
        NETTLES: Thorny shrub; prickly weed.
        NIGH: Near.
        NITRE: A mineral; carbonate of soda.
        NOISOME: Annoying; offensive; harmful.
        NOT A WHIT: Not the least bit.

        OBSTINATE: Stubborn.
        ODIOUS: Abhorrent; to stink; loathsome.
        OFFSCOURING: Filth; outcast; scraped off pieces.
        OMNIPOTENT: All powerful; all mighty.
        ON THIS WISE: In this manner.
        ORACLE: Inner sanctuary; Holy of Holies.
        ORACLES: Declaration; uttering; command.
        ORDAINED: To form; appoint; settle; place.
        OSEE: Hosea. (Greek NT)
        OSSIPHRAGE: Vulture (Breaks bones of its prey.)
        OUCHES: Settings for gems; sockets.
        OUGHT: Anything; obligation (as in a debt);
        OUTWENT: To go beyond; past tense of outgo.

        PARABLES: A story that involves a comparison.
        PASTORS: One who feeds the flock; shepherd.
        PAVILION: Tabernacle; dwelling.
        PEELED: Bald; bare; smooth.
        PERSECUTE: Annoy; harass; oppress.
        PHYLACTERIES: Box/straps worn on head/arm.
        PITCH: A thick, dark, sticky substance; tar.
        PLATTED: Braided; intertwined.
        PLEIADES: Star cluster in constellation Taurus.
        POLL: Cut off or trim hair. (Ez. 44:20)
        PONDERED: To consider carefully; meditate.
        POTTAGE: Any boiled dish or food.
        POTENTATE: Ruler, Head of State, King, Queen, Emperor, Monarch.
        PREDESTINATED: Determined beforehand.
        PRESBYTERY: An assembly of elders.
        PREVENT: Precede; go before.
        PRICKS: Rod with a sharp point.
        PRINCIPALITIES: Authorities; areas of authority.
        PRIVILY: Secretly.
        PROGENITORS: Ancestors; parents.
        PROPITIATION: Covering; atoning sacrifice.
        PROSELYTE: A Convert; one who is a follower.
        PROVENDER: Food for livestock; provision.
        PSALMS: A song or melody.
        PSALTERY: A stringed musical instrument.
        PUBLICAN: A tax collector.
        PUTRIFYING: Gangrenous; decaying; rotting. (edited)

        QUAKING: Shaking; trembling.
        QUICK: Alive
        QUICKEN: Make alive; resurrect.
        QUIT: Innocent; behaving (1 Cor. 16:3).
        QUIVERED: Shook.

        RABBI: Teacher; master.
        RAILING(S): Bitter complaint; denounce; deride.
        RAIMENT: Clothing.
        RECOMPENCE: Repay; execute revenge; pay back.
        REDEEM: Rescue; buy or purchase back.
        RENT: Tear; tore; torn.
        REPENT(ANCE): Change of mind (toward sin/God).
        REPROACH: Disgrace; shame.
        REPROOF: Admonition; scolding; rebuke.
        REVELATION(S): Revealing; disclosing; exposing.
        REVILE: To verbally assault; abuse; vilify.
        ROE: Small graceful deer.
        RUSH(ES): Reed(s) growing in moist places.

        SABBATH: A rest; cessation from work.
        SACKBUT: A trombone-like musical instrument.
        SAINTS: Born again people of God.
        SANCTIFICATION: The act of making pure and holy.
        SARDINE: A beautiful stone.
        SATAN: The Devil; adversary.
        SAVIOUR Savior.
        SCRIPTURES: That which is written; book; letter.
        SEDITIONS: An uproar; insurrection; dissension.
        SELVEDGE: End; edge.
        SEPULCRES: A place of burial; grave.
        SEVERAL HOUSE: Separated house; halfway house.
        SHALL: Will (1st person: I or we)
        SHALT: Shall (2nd person: thou/you)
        SIGNET: A seal or stamp.
        SIMILITUDE: A likeness; image; representation.
        SMITE: To strike; beat.
        SOD: To cook; boil.
        SOLACE: Comfort; delight in; peaceful; enjoy..
        SOOTHSAYERS: A fortuneteller; astrologer.
        SPITE: Vexation; anger; grief.
        STEDFAST: Firm; fixed; steady.
        STEWARD: Manager; overseer.
        STRAIT: Narrow.
        SUCCOUR: To help; aid.
        SUMPTUOUSLY: Splendidly.
        SUPERFLUITY: Super abundance; overflowing.
        SUPPLANT: To deceive; defraud.
        SUPPLICATIONS: Petition; an expression of need.
        SURFEITING: Intoxication; overindulgence.
        SURMISINGS: Suspicions; speculation.

        TABERNACLE: A tent, booth, or dwelling.
        TABRET: Tambourine.
        TALENTS: A weight, money, or gift.
        TARES: Weeds found in grain.
        TARRY: Wait; linger; stay; pause
        TEMPERANCE: Self-control.
        THEE You (object of verb/preposition.)
        THENCE: There; that place.
        THINE: Your(ā€˜s) (possessive)
        THITHER There; away.
        THOU You (person or subject).
        THY: Yours (possessive)
        THRICE: Three or Three times
        TIRE: Turban; head ornament.
        TITHES: A tenth part; 1/10.
        TITTLE: A dot or small punctuation mark.
        TOW: The short fibers of the flax plant.
        TRESPASSES: Wrong-doing; sin.
        TRODDEN: Trampled or walked on.
        TWAIN: Two or Twice (edited)

        UNCTION: An anointing.
        UNICORN: A very large wild ox (now extinct).
        UNLADE: To discharge; unload.
        UNSHOD: Barefoot; without shoes.
        UNTOWARD: Unfavorable; unfriendly; perverse.
        UPBRAIDETH: Scold; reprimand; confuse.
        USURP: To seize; take hold of; intercept.
        USURY: Interest (money).

        VAIN: Foolish; useless; self exalting.
        VERILY: Truly; surely.
        VERMILION: Red color.
        VESTMENTS: Garments; clothing.
        VEX: To trouble; disturb.
        VIAL: Bowl; goblet; container.
        VICTUALS: Food; sustenance.
        VILLANY: Folly; evil intent.
        VIOL: Musical instrument; a kind of harp.
        VOCATION: A calling; invitation; summons.

        WAX: To grow; become; advance.
        WERT: Were; was.
        WHENCE: From where.
        WHEREFORE: Why; What for?
        WHEREINSOEVER: In whatever respect; whichever.
        WHEREWITHAL: How? By what means?
        WILT: Will
        WHITHER: Where; which place.
        WHITHERSOEVER: Wherever.
        WHOREMONGER: One who buys or sells sex.
        WILES: Cunning devices; methods.
        WINEBIBBER: One who drinks wine.
        WINEFAT: Winepress trough to collect juice.
        WIT: To know; to become aware of.
        WITHOUT: Outside.
        WREST: To twist
        WOE: Expression of grief or indignation.
        WONT: To be accustomed to; habit.
        WORMWOOD: A bitter plant; bitterness.
        WOT: To know.

        YEA: Yes (excited cheering).
        YEAH: Yes; certainly; agreed; affirmative.
        YE: You (plural) or everyone, all of you.
        YONDER: There; in that place

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