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Recent PTSD nightmare i had yesterday.

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    • #8140

        Hey everyone here, recently yesterday i had another SERE PTSD nightmare and i have recorded it to, and i would like some compassion and prayers please, just in case their is another wrong or wicked about it in any way, i will provide my log recording of it here so everyone may read and some links to the pictures i found to describe what is in it, i thank you all for your support, have a great night!😄😉🙂

        Vivid realistic soldiering/SERE PTSD nightmare

        A woman undercover police officer comes to the front door of totally made up imagined urban residence house inquisiting me, my brother, and my uncle Stephen is we knew anything about an individual named Tim Dlyne, she then aggreeses after i explain no and before she leaves spat off some creative insult hollers at me to get it right and rudely and violently kicks a bunch of papers at me and closes the door and dissappears, then im heading through a very governmental and professional looking building lobby with a very in my own world subconcious mood going through me and secure a bunch of weapons, supplies, kevlar tac armor and facemask, and next im running through a total urban city with screaming and military soldiers and swat firing and running amuck everything in a crisis as i head out from the building with distress feelings going through me(With a suspense action music kind of riff playing to me).

        Being a self styled guerrilla fighter that i am, a 28th Infantry special op ” Unit M “, three huge monsters loom over me about 20 feet tall and look like purple bloated brutes and i shoot them down with my assault rifle, next encounter is a purple demonic looking head made of ghostlike nefesh floats around the top of a building and i move past its detection and into a building perfectly, making my way towards the center then turn left and around to the other perpendicular side and venture through the other side, and i move into a room with a black metal stairwell going up and then turning back around to a black metallic walkway then bending to a backwards L

        I can sense this crisis fully, i decide to head back to the room to check for supplies, ammo, and weapons and i turn back to look in the stairwell room and Dinomite screams out with animosity a reddish orange huge 50 foot violent dinosaur trying to bite me right near the entrance, i shot it down with my assault rifle, i moved into the room and boarded and took to the stairwell and turned back around and head back toward the entrance direction then made an L turn onto the extremely longer part of the black metallic walkway and head all the way down it with cautious operation soldiering skills, coming after awhile to the top of a building.

        The purple ghostlike head looms again from the sky peeking at me, finally the war gets back down out on the street, i assist SWAT forces in elimating alien targets of beasts and bi pedal griffin warriors as well as Shinnabar terrorists in disguise as US Forces as i meet up with them i fire at the beasts closing in to the sidewalk towards our position from the huge building complex, blowing them apart with my assault rifle in assist methods in movement holding my assault rifle up into my shoulder with the firing stance skills and aiming down my sights.

        Lots of times id get observed and attract operation commotion to, one was a fat guy at a food vendor stand, acting like to be running it, i shot him apart at close quarters range not giving him a chance to even detect me and ready his assault weapon, his posture altered into a slump and i decide to keep moving along back the other direction. Fought off more violent demonic aliens then moved into a warehouse shooting down masked terrorists, i went through some rooms going under black metal walkways and stairs shooting up a war with terrorists.

        I came upon a area of wooden staired section going up to a wooden walkway that bended all the way around, and i spotted a Shinnabar terrorist in an orange like full combat suit looming from under the stairs as a get to the mid landing going away from my position, i quickly reacted assuming a highground firing position on the landing and when i attempted to discharge fire at the damn sadistic goon my assault rifle gets a jam looking down among him, and i duck back in case the terrorist is to look or turn back in my direction by chance and spot me, i suddenly jump down over the back side from looking at in the walkway direction and the clueless Shinnabar goon, while in back of the landing wall hidden i spot two Shinnabar brown units closing in from both sides and i pull out a small model type of throwing knife and whip it into the terrorist on the left side after checking the right for the bluff embedding itself into his right lung killing him instantly, the next one closes in after i move out of the back of the landings wall, and pullout, arm, and throw another small throwing knife embedding itself into the sadistic freak killing him instantly.

        I then started for the same enroute from which i came in and a Shinnabar brown unit suddenly lashes out from the front at me with a combat knife attempting to thrust and shove the knife into my guts as i utilize the secret of the art of the dragon against weapon wielders is to neutralize the weapon, always neutralize weapon, i violently straight punched the terror unit about 3 or 4 times in the face while neutralizing the knife near my guts at the same time, and totaled the terrorist unit, i kept moving for about 5 more seconds then i woke up my blood pressure was going a little fast to but dissipated in about 20 seconds. I did also experience all the feelings that are mentioned in the professional night terror/prophetic sleep paralysis information of Deja Vu sensations, and the feeling something of reality about my own self.

      • #8272
        HKGS GeoSwas

          You mention “prophet” in chat the other day and how serious you want to take it. When you mention “prophet”, I’m sure your were alluding to a prophecy. Nothing in the dream you described is of no prophetic in nature and nothing you described alings with scripture. So, I’m going answer you this way.

          1 John 4:1 KJV
          1. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

          Nowadays people have a daily prophecy or claim to be a prophet or God gave them a prophecy for the week or God spokethe them in a dream or vision. As funny or as ridiculous as that may sound, we were told in scripture it would happen. However, based the dream you described, it just involves you. Maning, it’s not some sort of future global event that’s going to take place. We know that because we have the prophecies of the Lord God Christ Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the revelation of Christ Jesus in the Book of Revelation.

          Jeremiah 23:25 KJV
          25. I have heard what the prophets said,
          that prophesy lies in my name,
          saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.

          Jeremiah 23:31-32 KJV
          31. Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. 32. Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord.

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