Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO)

Ashfall, a new online Post Apocalyptic MMO


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    • #7754
      Jimmy John Lee

        Ashfall is a new online post apocalyptic MMO due to be released in mid August of this year, you can currently at the moment pre-register and check out the games start menu as a sample, but you cant get into the server and play the game just yet. This is a very fanatical and immersively creative online MMO game i am fully getting into August of this year.

      • #7931
        GeoSwas GSG

          According to this dude, Ashfall is the worst MMO he’s ever played. Oh well. Anyways, he goes into detail in the video.

        • #7943
          GeoSwas GSG

            Well, that’s the entire point of a BETA, to play it, test it out and if you or anyone that has a YouTube channel, will record game-play and give their opinion and thoughts on the game. Based on what he explained, I’m not interested in a stamina based game where stamina is use to enter instances. Furthermore, why even have a Stamina Recharge rate that last 8 minutes long? Am I going to play Ashfall, well, it’s it’s Free to Play, I’ll check it out for myself. If I run into the type of problem he explain, well, I have the option to uninstall. LOL Either way, I lost interest.

          • #8014
            GeoSwas GSG

              If Ashfall is going to have a cash shop to sell you useless shit like stamina, then it makes sense. Hell, I can run a fucking dungeon in less time! Everything is a cash grab, question is, who’s dumb enough to buy … I’LL END it here because, I’m just going to go off! LOL

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