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Elder Scrolls Online Infinite Archives/Endless Archives(Gets updated with thread

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    • #11546
      Jimmy John Lee



        Upon continuing the trek along the Gold Road for about 15 more minutes, you come to a slightly warped Y shaped branch up ahead, the Gold Road branches in two directions, and you, the Namely Sentinel Pelinal Whitestrake, do have recollection of where they lead to, from here you may take the southeast path to Fort Virtue, or head up along the safer northern path leading to Weye on the outskirts of the Imperial City.

        If you wish to take the Southeast Path to Fort Virtue and discuss any contents contained in this archive, turn to page 123.

        If you wish to take the Northern path to Weye and post videos, pictures, or interesting material based on the contents contained in this archive, turn to page 222.


        Imperial City Infinite Archives, philosophies of Chancellor Ocato

        ——————————————–, the Elder Scrolls Online official rules to dueling.

        The dueling rules will at some time be released to the Elder Scrolls Online public by guild professionals and guild listing sites, ESO fans, professional gamers, and on Zenimax websites and misc Elder Scrolls Online archives by archivers and MMO researchers., the official solo dungeoneering rules in ESO.

        Most players and newbs back in the second 0.9 Beta version of ESO 2016-2020 figured and mistaken the solo dungeon competing rules to be if you could complete the dungeon singlehandedly even utilizing rezdeath, this is sadly not how the solo dungeoneering rules work at all in any way shape form, solo dungeoneering does not involve emphasis on even ability to complete the dungeon but rather surviving it or undertaking it flawlessly without 1 death. Download and read further., here is a structured diagram of information on character builds and character specifications generations, depictive methods, and creation.

        The characters, roleplayer patents, and build fantasies of the Elder Scrolls Online authentic ratings, not by meth gamers, werewolf spamming crackheads online, or secondary or subsidary idiots that think they work for Zenimax with Zenimax, screw all that bullshit off real fast, from my own experimentation and experience, most of these online shit builds they conoct and showboat are complete scams or total bullshit lies., here is some information on the Khajiit breeds in the Elder Scrolls world.

        Here is a structured listing of the tiers of the Khajiit breeds in Elder Scrolls Online.

      • #11548
        GeoSwas GSG

          Celebrating 10 years of The Elder Scrolls Online

          I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since Bethesda released The Elder Scrolls Online. I know it’s nothing, but I’ve put in over 3,000 hours into this game, mainly running dungeons. Not only did I get burnt out after 3K hours, but I have other games to play. I’ll eventually jump back on ESO, but I’ll be so far behind on content, it’s not even funny. Nevertheless, here’s to a decade if The Elder Scrolls Online 🥂
          The Elder Scrolls Online – You Belong Here

        • #13494
          Jimmy John Lee

            I will make a conceptual more in depth upgrade to the Khajiit breeds document, with a preview of some of the information in the new Youtube video on it soon, which i will be doing a philosophical video on the Elder Scrolls races, lots of creative twists and surprises in them, but the khajiit one is coming first, and Khajiit is not what you really call them at all really, THEY ARE NOT ALL KHAJIIT, though it applies in context, i will go over, EACH FOR CAT RACES, really in the Elder Scrolls.

            Their is really 4 different cat races as follows, each really have different orientations, beliefs, emphasis in abilities, and even influences.

            The first are the Khajiiti ” The True Cats “- Khajiiti True Cat, the I simply means higher and even more Elder than Khajiit, Khajiiti is where you find your righteous clerics, peacemakers, followers of Jone and Jode, and the Dro M Athra are also Khajiiti(But Namira has Ohmes background in her akin with true cat). True Cats are mostly original Cathays and Suthays. True Cats originate from Khenarthi’s Roost and Reapers March.

            The second are the Khajiit ” The First Cats “- Khajiit, are the first cats of Alkosh, more emphasized with arena fighters, mages, wizards, scholars, philosphers, taskmasters, merchants, nobles, and workers. most Khajiit are also original Cathays and Suthays like True Cats. Khajiit also hail from most occupied areas of Hammerfell, Khajiit(Without the I) are the Hammerfell Cat.

            The third are the Ka’ Po Tun ” The Manes “- Most akin to occupying Valenwood, with barbarian influences in different to the other types of Elder Cats. Ka ‘ Po Tun are more comparable with Magic the Gatherings felines and how they think, act, and have impression. The Manes(Ka’ Po Tun) hail from Elseweyr’s mountainous barbarian origins.

            The fourth are the Senche ” The Evolutionary Hybrids “- Evolved Senche, learned at some time in history to walk upright and bi pedal, and increase their concience on the world(Classified as rudimentary intelligence). Pahmars, Ohmes, Dagi and Dagi-Raht, Tojay, Alfiq, Senche Tigers, pantheras and housecats are classified with Senche cats. Senche can be everywhere and anywhere throughout Tamriel.

            • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Jimmy John Lee.
            • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Jimmy John Lee.
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            • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Jimmy John Lee. Reason: Preview image additional upgrade
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