The problem that I have with certain social sites, for instance, facebook, they’ve gone full on woke. I can not and will not reduce nor degrade my manhood based on social views. I’m a man, period. To say I am anything other than what the Lord God Christ Jesus created, is an insult and a denial of my very existence. On planet Earth, you have two kinds, male and female. Too sit there and try to brainwash society into accepting a lie, that a man is not a man or a woman is not a woman is down right idiotic.
To bring up this kind of conversation in most platforms, it would get deleted and you might get blocked, but not here. It would get the deleted by extremist and those that follow the work-trash, because that’s what it is, ideology. I can not and will not bend to those that cry out some fale view of the world. I will not deny The Lord God Christ Jesus under any circumstance. I will not feed into the lies because it’s politically or socially correct, but morally wrong and incorrect and fictional. Too say you are anything but a male or a female, you just placed yourself in the IT category.
Genesis 1:27 KJV
27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
If the Lord God Christ Jesus created male and female in His own image, in his own likeness, and you say you are not male or female, then my question to you is, who created you? You have a father and a mother, you’re not self existing. For you to say that there is no God or deny God, is not a factual statement, but a denie of your own. Having said the above, I can not associate with social site, video games and the likes when it pushes the woke ideology down people’s throats. You’re opinion may differ, but opinions don’t dictate facts.