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Elon Musk Strange Statement

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    • #9576
      The Social Pit

        I was going through Twitter, X, whatever the hell you want to call it and ran into this tweet by Elon Musk. Personally, this is a strange statement. The reason why I’m adding it here as a pic, seems that Elon Musk edited or removed it. Therefore, I am unable to link the post in it’s original form. I die however, take a screen shot. Such as statement would never be uttered by The Social Pit.As matter of fact, I discourage anyone from posting “family pictures” on The Social Pit. Family pictures are personal and private and should not be shared online for a multitude of reasons. Security and protecting families identity being number 1!

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      • #9664

          His little 2024 spring supply chain recovery predictions sure didnt fit the bill as of now to! I can tell you that, and hes a genius, okay.

          • #9686
            The Social Pit

              That’s all well and good, but what the hell does that have to do with the topic? I never said anything about “supply chains”, “predictions” nor did I say anything about how smart the man is. You just went off topic to never, never land. Hell, I even added a damn picture! 🙄

          • #9687

              Alright, getting more serious about this entry, Elon Musk on exposing his family on Twitter and promoting it to others to do it to?

              What do i have to say about that matter? Well for one thing, i dont post much of my family up on my primary facebook page, you can find a rare picture maybe(A childhood picture, maybe even a little enigmatic, or a sudden brief appearance in a video, as such even on my Youtube channels), just for the hell of it so people can see other people such as family i revolve around, but the reason i do have an agreement with and believe in fully is self-revolvement with your own profiles, pages, groups ect ect ect.

              On a social network its not about everybody else, or anybody elses business butting in to make a name for themself or make you look bad, as well as most highly arrogant people do not get a big kick outta their family but themselves only, most arrogant people think they are better than their family individuals as which proves the fact of why social network host websites were made in the first place, THEIR FOR THE YOURSELF, THE PERSON WHO SHOWS OFF ON THEM, not anyone else or anyone elses business, why would they want to be on your business and archives, WHEN THEY CAN GO JUST MAKE THEIR OWN? Right? RIGHT. Exactly, EXACTLY…as much what goes for exposure of your family, theirs not much anybody can do about that one no matter what, you just have to be careful, decisive, shrewd and stern, and you can get around pretty alright with that.

              Well, if all of any, i like LinkedIn, they seem the safest, AND ITS REVOLVED AROUND YOURSELF, and your own special world, not anyone else, i do have a LinkedIn account to, facebook, is alright, its a bit eccentric and a magical kingdom of internet public wonder, but the scammers and hackers are atrocious, but its passed up pretty easy, BS like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Tik Tok, or bullshit like Snapchat and Pintrest can kiss my ass, easily hit by hackers and what do the site staff and creators do about it.

              NOTHIN, oooh go ahead and make your little sore unlucky ass a whole new account. Whatsapp is a piece of CRAP, Whatsapp is used for lots of internet crime, like involvement with Cashapp theft and thieves, or selling drugs behind internet detections back. As for Tagged and Myspace, are the most similiar, i do have accounts on both but i dont use them because their not top tier, and i liked Myspace back until 2007 until they totally changed it it pissed me off, and Tagged is a bunch of boring stuff.

              Well, and their you go, thats what i think of Elon Musks exploits on that.

            • #9690
              The Social Pit

                Point being, you should never post personal information, or treat it as if social media were a public family album. And the information you should at, be at least, the very basic: Favorite color, general interest such as movies, music, video games, so on and so forth. In other words, keep the information to a minimum, as vague as possible. I just find it odd that Elon Musk would ask to post family pictures on X. In other words, my family, personal information is not up for public display.

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