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Perceptive Alignment Showcase of the AD&D World

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    • #13913
      Jimmy John Lee

        What is alignment? Alignment is the influential mode of how any character, lifeform, or individual copes or gets along with reality in a socially related context, alignment dictates what something does, how they act, or even symbolize meanings or progression through their lifestyle.


        Lawful good people are even better and seem even much cooler than lawful neutrals, lawful evils, and neutral goods, but in some unlikely terms they cannot even really rock Archangel Michaels boat, it all depends. Democrats, pacifists, people attracted to religion, and women do tend to be influenced in being lawful good. Fake nice people(Can be individuals that are lawful good complexed, chaotic good and lawful good are the two alignments of influences in fake nice people), psychological wimps, non petty criminals, and psychological repenters or self-righteous actors(The two most common lawful good of the majorities) are also of lawful good orient.

        Lawful goods are less of fantasizers but more of mentally unhealthy, and lawful good individuals usually can have faults in lower intelligence, lack of common sense, and are easy to effect the inner limbic or somatic parts of their mind(IE Kevin McAllister for example, someone who worringly imagines that a stove is a haunted demon that could be really alive and will say aggressive speech to him is obviously a very special kind of stupid). Lawful goods can revert logical hostility or go as far as projective violence against only chaotic entities, total non-violent forms of warring, or actors of hokage to prove a statement or a point, never will a lawful good oppress the word of religious nature or the other hidden side of the limbic spirit with acts of morbity, harm to life, or unscrupulous violence like neutrals.


        Lets get the first off concept, is lawful neutral people only do right over wrong mostly because they have to or solely because they want to fantasize that they are to perfect. Lawful neutral people are always cool to a point, but mess with them or tick them of they have a difficult time understanding how to be appropriate, and might even showover the illusion of an evil spirit. Lawful neutral characters can be specialized in ” Safe Antiheroes “. Lawful neutrals are individuals with very bad temper traits.


        First thing is first, lawful evils are extremely prejudice at violence, and are not pacifists in personality context or concepts, though they feel the power of good to be actually very evil and hypocritical, they take this with a grain of salt and display evil among the performance of good, often performing illusionary acts that look evil, but are really good under a masque. Lawful evils have very righteous and strict individuals, often seeming undo or performing acts of very vile personalities. Lawful evil is the true alignment influence of business related antiheroes, secretive nobles, and byronic heroes.


        Neutral goods are nearly the same idea of a lawful good but have demons or influences they would rather ridicule or deem as very horrible spirits or ailments that need cleanse. Neutral goods feel inside perfectly the difference between a morally relative schizopath and a chaotic mindless schizopath. Neutral goods do not even think of or dream about oppressing or feeling negative energy about violence, regardless of what it is even about. Special entertainment geeks, patrons of fantasy arts, real life superheroes are of neutral good influence in thinking.

        Neutral good is very essential alignment influences for law enforcement officers, peacekeepers, hardcore republicans, and combat fighters and true badasses. Neutral good alignment are real people, without the more artificial minds of the lawful(A student that sucks up to a teacher with apples just to get a good grade or a righteousness addict that chatters about how great and perfect they are and then go and commit a crime just to get self-attention and repent to get better) or the chaotic(Someone who explains their evil and what their willing to do, remember chaotic people are concience rather than subconcious like lawful or evil alignment element).

        Neutral goods less understand how to look appropriate even than lawful orient, and even less understand the negative characteristics of violence, this in dictated by better mental conditions fanatical arrogancy, and of less anxieties or fear(Neutral goods can be fueled by SM traits). Neutral goods are labeled good as far as their personality qualities, neutral goods are in the lines of extremely nice kinds of people, righteous, daring, and civilized composure. Neutral goods are not ever deranged, or antiheroes or superheroes in any way, neutral good goes along for alignment of a pragmatic antihero(borderline to antihero).


        True neutrals come off as everyday people with less or no place in social fit, they themselves, never regard themselves as good or righteous, or even evil or malevolent, though they can go miles to be wrong, though they understand good versus evil, they have their own ways and their own beliefs. Gangs are a prime example of true neutrals, political terrorist eccentricities spawned by main government are also another example of true neutrals.


        Neutral evils are individuals that are the prime trademarks of people that are unique of progressive recognition, mastermindedly manipulated individuals, or mindless people with no personalities that hold secrets about malevolent origins or anything you cant percieve or see even with the naked eye. Neutral evil is the common and true trademark alignment among drug lords, dictators, males, easily endangered people associated in the midst of masterminded crime, vulnerability murder victims are also akin to neutral evil types of alignments and personality complexes, ignorant libido victim girls and weaklings are the most common in murder victims.


        Chaotic goods are very common ignorant mainstream kinds of people that never easier get over anger ” humanities top leading sin in nature “(Go read your Catholic, Dantes Inferno), often have dirty, euthymic, and very positive lives. Chaotic goods have very illusive cool personalities and types of social modality, underneath are rancid vile deranged brutes, criminals, and wierdos, many fake nice people are chaotic goods, regarding the fact they dont disguise themselves in lawful good obsessions.

        Chaotic goods are individuals that are good at living life and deal with high levels of stress better than other people and other alignments, no anxieties, stay safe, stay good, and stay strong and rich, this is chaotic, and they do have very good personality traits. Chaotic good alignment are essential influences in military soldiers, government personell, and complex types of geniuses. Chaotic goods are the true alignment of true nostalgic trademark antiheroes.


        Chaotic neutrals are the alignment of anti villians and hardcore villians permanantly obstruct by the demons of human nature. Chaotic neutrals are almost the same ideas or concievements of chaotic evils, though they may have weaker intentions or methods that are more dull or thought out more carefully.


        Chaotic evil is it, horrid, disgusting, nefarious, even corrupt precense amidst living life against other normally benevolent kinds of individuals, monsters, and entities. Chaotic evil is the alignment for individuals or any lifeforms and entities that boast corrupt precense among anything or anybody amidst their vicinity.

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