It seems that Infinity Wards next title is going to be Call of Duty: MW2. It’s all well and good but, is it a remake? A remaster of the older MW2 or a brand-new game with an all-new story line? That’s if it has a story campaign. I’m guessing a lot is going to be kept under wraps until later on in the year. I’m guessing it’ll have a story mode. PVP and some sort of integration with Warzone. Infinity Ward put out a new MW logo on its Twitter page, nothing we’ve seen before. As a gamer, what I care about is knowing if Skill Base Match Making (SBMM) is going to be gone all together or, will SBMM make a return. Will the Battle Pass and Micro/Macro-transaction store also return with its overpriced cosmetics? How many maps on day one release? New maps, old maps, a mix of both? If the new cloaking is effective, will it be also implemented in MW2? Even though there’s no release date, one can guess I’ll be sometime in October or November.

My main concern, when it comes to CoD are those that run hacks/cheats, that have the “unfortunate” ability to end games at a press of a button. It’s a nice idea and, honestly, the security feature should be implements across all CoD games that are currently offers online capabilities for pvp. But I know that’s not going to happen, I can hope, right? I know. I know, I shouldn’t be lying to myself. Ither way, I’m going to guess and say, it’s going that MW2 is going to be like MW 2019, is going to have a new story line with the same characters or something along that line. That’s my guess. I’m probably wrong. And honestly, the main thing I care about, personally, it’s the PVP aspect of CoD. I’ll definitely be looking forward to playing the open BETA when it comes out this year.
Share your thoughts and opinions about the upcoming MW2 below on the comment section.
hi and is it going be a new COD game or it going to be a remake the COD game or it going to be a skip in this year for the COD game ???
Sup Lavon, I don’t know yet. We’re going to have to wait and see. Once any information is out, I’ll write about it.
I don’t now about you, I want to play the MW2 Open BETA. Can wait for that. I think MW2 is going to be reveled next month, I don’t know if it’s going to be at E3 or some other time. I’m pretty sure they’re going to show pvp game play and, if MW2 is going to have campaign.