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    • #8201

        September 23, 2023 at 4:29 PM

        Minor Change

        Removed the X/Twitter button from appearing on mobile devices. Since mobile devices have different screen sizes, the X/Twitter button can be in the way of viewing anything on the site, making it annoying.

        Additional Sub topics have been added to The Social Pit Forum.
        1) Feed back and Suggestions: A new topic has been added to The Social Pit forum. Your feedback and suggestions are important in helping change and grow The Social Pit. All ideas and suggestions will be taken into account, However, not add feedback and suggestions will be implemented.

        2) SUPORT: A new forum has been added to The Social Pit Forum. Anyone needing help with anything relating to The Social Pit can create a sub-topic.

        Note: You can subscribe and unsubscribe to any and all forum threads.

      • #8777

          User Created Groups
          Group Creation has been disabled due to abuses spam. It’s very time consuming to delete over 700 to over 1,000 spam created groups promoting trash with trash links in a continuous basis, plus manually removing all bot accounts form the site. However, each user may still join the pre-made groups and create their forum with topic of choice for discussion, debate, or conversation. If you would like to have your on dedicated group, you can leave your request under Group Creation Request forum. The Group Creation Request is intended for this very reason.

          Thank You
          The Social Pit

        • #9151

            Light & Dark Button

            I’ve added a light and Dark button that you can toggle if it’s too bright. The Light and Dark button can be found on the Homepage under The Social Pit Logo.

            Thank You!
            The Social Pit

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