Helldivers II

Arrowhead Game Studios
PlayStation PC LLC

Game is Fun Until The Nerf Hammer Drops

Helldivers II is probably one of the best games I’ve played in a long time, the music is outstanding. However, it seems that every Helldiver II suffers from Asthma, run a few steps, start huffing and puffing. I’m just waiting for a Helldiver to spit out a lung. Apparently,. cardio wasn’t part of boot camp. It’s like the Ministry of Truth went to an Asthma center and said, suit up, you all are going to war … in space.

Speaking of limited lung capacity, weapons have the limited amount of capacity, some worst than others. Some weapons do little to no damage. The LAS- 5 Scythe is a perfect example of a laser weapon that dose no damage, punching a bug or bot has a more deadly affect. The only thing that the LAS-5 Scythe is good for, it’s taking out the slime crust from the bottom of your boots. or act as a chip paint tool. And at this point, I’m not sure if it can handle chipping off paint.

I understand that Stratagems are a thing, however, weapons, weather it be primary, secondary, or otherwise, need more ammo capacity and need to pack a serious punch. It gets annoying when all you ear is “LOW ON AMMO, NEED AMMO, over and over again. In a role playing sense, the Ministry of Truth are stingy as hell when it comes to equipment and power. They take away your most powerful weapons and give you a hand me down, a pad in the back and a good luck smile.

Extraction Can be Overwhelming

At higher levels, when extracting, you’re over whelmed by ads, to the point, sure, some scenarios can be funny but it’s more annoying, leaving you wondering, what was the point of blowing up all those bug holes or bot camps if the you’re just going to get over whelmed by ads at the extraction, more frustrating, everyone dies and you just waist it over half and hours and all the samples collected.

Blowing Up anything Is Spectacular

Helldivers II can be frustrating at times,, all in all, I give Helldivers II praise simply because when you blow up a area with a bomb, it looks so spectacular and satisfying leaving you wanting more. Helldivers II is a lot of fun, but, like I’ve said, weapons need to pack more of a punch and be effective in combination with support stratagems, hence, all primary, an secondary weapons will be viable and used. Choose what you like, play how you like.

You Don’t Need to Buy Super Credits

There is nothing I hate more than micro/macro-transactions in a retail game! I’ve said once and I’ve been saying it for over a decade, micro-transactions do not belong in retail games. Micro-transactions are a Free to Play model, hence, the game is free to download and play! Lastly, micro means small. For example, .99 cents, $2.99, $4.99. Macro, on the other hand, means large or a large amount.

Helldivers II is $39.99, it offers Warbonds, equivalent to a Battle Pass. A Warbond will cost you 1K credits or $10.00 dollars. However, with Helldivers II, you can go around looting and pick up Super Credits to collect, Unlike other games where you go around looting everything for yourself and everyone else is out of luck, in Helldivers II, every sample in the game that you collect, including premium credits, are all shared.

If you extract with all the samples and premium credits, that means that the entire group has all the samples and the premium credits. It doesn’t matter who farms for it, who picks it up or who extracts with it. It’s all shared! If you get kicked, yes, you loose your mats, but you keep the Super Credits you found. In turn, you can collect enough credits to buy Warbons without spending a dollar.


Helldivers II is one hell a fantastic game to play, no questions. However, what kills Helldivers II is the constant nerfing which kills any build you try to mix. Helldivers II is a PVE game, pump stump bugs, bots and soon to come, Illuminate, an alien race from Helldivers I. There is no PvP, no esport, no leader board, hence, no real reason to nerf weapons to the ground.

All nerfing dose is build frustration and it just take the fun out of the game. Buffing bots and bugs while nerfing weapons does not create a challenging game. You can have buffed weapons and enemies and what is rewarding at the end, is the strategy you and your group were able to implement to over come the odds along with a successful extractions.

Having nerfed weapons, buffed enemies, the extraction over run by adds, leaving you wondering and asking, what was the entire point of killing all the NPC’s, shutting down bug holes and fabricators if an army of enemies are going to overrun the extraction at full force? The Helldivers II developers should heavily consider buffing all weapons, giving player’s choices to run different builds Regardless of Helldive difficulty.

Leave your thoughts and opinions below.

Helldivers II: Single Player/co-op … None Stop Action … You can farm for premium currency … Choose difficulty settings … Team Killing is active … No traditional PvP … Equip different load-outs… Weapons feel week … 3 factions you can fight: Automatons, Bugs and Illumanate (coming at a later date) … Fight in different biomes … Environmental hazards. Devs have an obsession with nerfing weapons in a PvE game The Social Pit

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