History of The Social Pit

I grew up playing video games, from 8 bit games in the Atari era to HD PC games in 2022. I’ve experience console and PC games in my life time. Now I get to do something else I enjoy, working for myself as Freelance Writer, writing blogs about video games. My main goal is to be honest, fair, and balanced without being one sided; to bring a fresh opinion and outlook on any given game regardless of platform. Not only will I just write about video games, but I’ll also be taking part in group discussions and forum. The Social Pit has a well rounded aspect that surround the idea of blog post, forums and groups all in one place. A place where users can create their own group, forum and chat, dedicated to your on topic of interest.

Back in the late 90’s, I was huge on chat rooms, mainly BellSouth Chat. Bellsouth chat was going to shut down the chat rooms, and I had a lot of fun and I wanted to keep the fun going. however, back in 2009, I came up with The Social Pit and created my first chat website. It had multiple rooms, we called them groups now. It’s the same thing. Either way, new and improved social media starting spring up, facebook, Twitter were among the first, if memory serves me right. In 2010, I created a Twitter account for The Social Pit. But the chatroom idea died off. Afterwards, I closed down The Social Pit and between then and now, I’ve worked on The Social Pit, but behind closed doors, not accessible for the public. You can see it was my little go to side project.

I’ve always had the intention of opening The Social Pit to the public but technology and social media was moving in a rapid pace, always changing and new one came up and died off quick. I didn’t want that. I never removed The Social Pit from Twitter, thinking sooner or later I’m going to build something. I just didn’t know what the hell I was going to build. I just wanted a social site that was fun and unique that wouldn’t be a clone of something else. That, in itself, it’s complicated. Every social media has some sort of similarities. Then something called a blog, people would talk about and I’m like what the hell is blog? I was told that a blog is about writing about crap that no one gives a crap about. Just think of something of something and write. I thought that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Why the … never mind.

Back in 2021, I decide to re-build The Social Pit from scratch. In my mind, I knew what I wanted. But it turned out to be something else and I had to see if I could make it work. I wanted a social site. I built it and left it alone thinking it would populate on it’s on and people would just figure it out. “Hey, we can build a forum, let’s do this. Yeah, well, doesn’t work that way, it seems. So, I had to brainstorm ideas, came up with a few, game reviews being one of them, but, nah. A podcast, eh, don’t know. I hate my voice. I wanted to keep it short and simple. Hey! A blog. I can blog about games. HA! Why not. I’ve been gaming for 40+ years, tons to say, why not? So, surprise!

At the end of it all, this is my idea on the screen. Me. Myself and I. I own it, created it, designed it from top to button with no staff, no help, nothing. Just ideas from family, suggestions, criticisms and I went on from there. Two things are going to happen, Well, maybe three, or four. 1). The Social Pit is going to flourish until it hit its peak. 2). It’s going to flop. 3). It may just be there and won’t go anywhere. 4). I’ll shut it down and just play with it as a side project, why not? I enjoy it; to be honest. I like the social aspect. At the end of the day, I know what I like and what I can’t stand and If I can’t find it, I’ll build it. Well, I just did.

Welcome to The Social Pit!

The Social Pit: Geo S. Scaletti, Founder, Owner & C.E.O.

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