Macrotransactions Will Be in Diablo 4

With the huge fiasco that Diablo Immortal is, it’s no surprise that Diablo 4 will contain macrotransation. Expressing the utter hate we have for macrotransations always falls on deaf ears. The macrotransations that “supposedly” is going to be implemented in Diablo 4, is going to consist of cosmetics and expansion dlc as reported by

Blizzard has confirmed that microtransactions in Diablo 4 will be strictly cosmetics. There will be no pay-to-win items or power-ups. Hence, players can shed away concerns about being able to purchase high-level weapons and armor. The in-game store will only list skins for characters, weapons, armor. 

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Twitter is full of people expressing there feelings about Diablo 4 being anchored around “optional cosmetics”, even though Rod Furgusson said that Diablo 4 is going to be full price. This is done, not to aggravate players, but because you have a hand full of players that will spend money on these cosmetics. If you truly have a hate for micro/macrotransations, the next option you have is not to buy the game at all. By not buying the game, you’re sending a strong messages. “Hey, we’re sick and tire of this crap”. It’s not just Diablo 4, it’s can be any game that continue to implement over priced cosmetics. Look, I understand that no matter what I say or anyone says, developers are going to add what they see fit regardless of what I or anyone says. That’s all well and good. From this point on, as a consumer, I have to decide on whether or not I’m going to buy Diablo 4.

Understand one thing, as long as you have people spending money on cosmetics or items that can provide any additional means of power, micro/macrotransactions aren’t going anywhere. We already saw how wales spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on Diablo Immortal. Companies like Activision have no problem capitalizing on those willing to spend large amount of money regardless if the game is Free to Play or if it comes at a full retail price of $59.99. Selling cosmetics is lucrative business and a huge money maker. The elimination of micro/macrotransaction will stop when people quit buying them. I don’t see that happening.

Diablo 4 will be coming out sometime in 2023 for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4 & 5.

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