HKGS GeoSwas

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  • in reply to: This Bizzy, Bryon McCane? A Man Against God and Scripture? #12602
    HKGS GeoSwas

      What, you don’t know what the difference is between and exclamation point and a question mark? That normally goes after a sentence

      in reply to: This Bizzy, Bryon McCane? A Man Against God and Scripture? #12600
      HKGS GeoSwas

        Again, you have countless people that twist scripture to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:15-16. They sit there with a straight face and lie. Psalm 116:11, They pervert all of scripture Jeremiah 23:36. Someone who is double-minded is restless and confused in his thoughts, his actions, and his behavior. James 1:8

        Lastly, I was never talking about Bizzy, Wizzy, Chizzy, don’t know who the hell that is and don’t care. I was talking about the statement you made to me and how it applies to scripture. I could care less what these to bone-heads say. Again, I’m talking about your statement! Either fall inline with scripture or it goes against scripture.

        You said

        Right, i see, god doesnt speak to anyone, never has and never will, its only someones own willpower to choose their own choice, choose their own destiny as they call it

        That is your statement you made to me when we spoke. Now, dose your statement fall inline with scripture or does it contradict the scriptures? Look at yourself, don’t care what the world has to say. I’m asking you the questions, not anyone else!

        2 Peter 3:15-16 KJV
        <15> And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; <16> As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures,

        Psalm 116:11 KJV
        <11> I said in my haste, All men are liars.

        Jeremiah 23:36 KJV
        <36> And the burden of the Lord shall ye mention no more: for every man’s word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the Lord of hosts our God.

        James 1:8 KJV
        <8> A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

        in reply to: This Bizzy, Bryon McCane? A Man Against God and Scripture? #12598
        HKGS GeoSwas

          There’s no gist to anything you’ve said and I have no idea of what “fellow” you’re talking about unless you’re referring to yourself in third person. Furthermore, Matthew 6:24, Jesus is telling you that you can’t serve to masters Either God’s your Master or money is your master. That’s what mammon means, money, which has nothing to do with being a hypocrite.

          in reply to: This Bizzy, Bryon McCane? A Man Against God and Scripture? #12595
          HKGS GeoSwas

            I’ll reply by using scripture. But before I do, you, yourself have not read scripture, don’t follow scripture, and go against scripture when it conflicts with your standards, point of views of your feelings. Sin is not limited to X amount of things. Sin is exactly what the Lord God describes in the bible. Sin is not category based, meaning, this sin is worst than that sin.

            People are always talking about how time changes. How things changes. How people change. And yet, the Lord God remains the same. The Lord God is never changing. (In Malachi 3:6 KJV Lord Jesus said, For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed). (Matthew 24:35 KJV, Lord Jesus said 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away)

            In Deuteronomy, it clearly state that man shall now ware what pertains to a woman and vice versa. Furthermore, no where in the entire scripture, dose the Lord God condone it.

            Deuteronomy 22:5 KJV
            5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

            The scripture are there not just to teach us about the Lord God, Christ Jesus, but to convict us of our sins, repent and change our ways. this is how we become aware. In 2 Corinthians 9 through 11 explains it perfectly. There was no difference between the time of Paul and today.

            2 Corinthians 9-11 KJV
            9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

            Now, my original answer concerning your post is below.

            Isaiah 6:9-10 – KJV
            <9> And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. <10> Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.

            Hosea 4:6 KJV
            <6> My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

            John 8:43-44 KJV
            <43> Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. <44> Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

            2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV
            <3> But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: <4> In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

            in reply to: XDefiant Patch Notes & Issues #11707
            HKGS GeoSwas

              XDefiant Year One Season One: Patch Notes 1.3

              Dive deeper into the upcoming changes we’re bringing with the Y1S1.3 patch tomorrow! Featuring ranked updates, shotgun balancing, and some ability tweaks.

              XP Boosters will no longer count down when you’re killing time in the Practice Zone.

              Increased vertical ADS sensitivity for controllers so that aiming up and down is more consistent with aiming left and right.
              Game Modes

              Tweaked the Ranked mode pre-game. Ranked matches now won’t start with less than 8 players. The Leave button has also been nixed from the map-voting screen to discourage players from dropping out (and Ranked matches will cancel if players manage to skedaddle during map voting).

              CTF mode is now available in Ranked play.

              Echelon’s Intel Suit now only reveals enemies through walls for the player wearing it. Allies will still see enemy locations on the minimap, though.

              DedSec’s spiderbots were shocking target players before leaping on their faces, which wasn’t winning them fans. Now they only zap targets at the face-hugging stage of the relationship.

              The Rapid Fire Barrel and Muzzle Booster attachments were causing less recoil on some weapons (such as the ACR 6.8, and AK-47) when they were supposed to cause more recoil. That’s fixed.

              Reduced the MP7’s magazine capacity from 35 to 30 and its rate of fire from 875 to 850 rounds per minute.

              Updated the old iron sights that were appearing on certain LVOA-C cosmetic skins.

              It’s an extravaganza of shotgun balancing. Here’s the nitty-gritty of each weapon’s tuning:

              Short range increased from 10m to 13m.
              Medium range increased from 15m to 18m.
              Sprint Out Time (sprint-to-shoot time) reduced from 250ms to 200ms.
              Hipfire spread range reduced roughly 10 percent from 3.4-4.0 to 3.0-3.6 degrees.
              Aim spread range reduced roughly 18 percent from 2.55-3.0 to 2.0-2.6 degrees.
              Crouch hipfire spread range reduced from 2.89-3.4 to 2.7-3.2 degrees.
              Crouch aim spread range reduced from 2.55-3.0 to 2.0-2.6 degrees.
              Crouch slide, in air, and mantle hipfire spread reduced by 40 percent from 9.0-13.5 to 5.0-9.0 degrees.
              Crouch slide, in air, and mantle aim spread range reduced from 3.4-3.4 to 2.5-3.0 degrees.

              Short range increased from 7m to 10m.
              Medium range increased from 10m to 13m.
              Hipfire spread range reduced roughly 10 percent from 4.75-6.5 to 4.25-6.0 degrees.
              Aim spread range reduced roughly 13 percent from 2.81-4.13 to 2.5-3.5 degrees.
              Crouch hipfire spread range reduced from 4.04-5.53 to 3.5-5.0 degrees.
              Crouch aim spread range reduced from 2.82-4.13 to 2.5-3.5 degrees.
              Crouch slide, in air, and mantle hipfire spread reduced by 40 percent from 11.25-15.0 to 8.0-12.0 degrees.
              Crouch slide, in air, and mantle aim spread range reduced from 3.75-3.75 to 3.0-3.5 degrees.

              Double Barrel
              Short range increased from 12m to 15m.
              Medium range increased from 16m to 19m.
              Reserve ammo increased from 12 to 16.
              Crouch slide, in air, and mantle spread reduced by 40 percent from 11.13-15 to 7-11 degrees.

              Sawed-Off Shotgun
              Reserve ammo increased from 6 to 10.
              Sprint-to-shoot time reduced from 250ms to 150ms.
              Crouch slide, in air, and mantle spread reduced by 40 percent, from 11.25-15.0 to 6.68-9.0 degrees.

              The Pistol Grip and PEQ-15 Laser attachments for shotguns also had their spread Min/Max bonus reduced from 20 to 15 percent.

              Finally, all shotgun reticle blooms (visualized by the vertical and horizontal hash marks of the HUD reticule) are now enlarged slightly while leaping.

              Sticky grenades now stay put rather than disappearing if the deploying player kicks the bucket.

              The cursor no longer shifts to the main display when playing on a second monitor in fullscreen mode with the “lock mouse to game window” option turned on.

              Fixed an issue preventing players’ kill/death ratio from updating properly after completing matches.

              in reply to: The Doomgods Universe Official Social Pit Realm #11706
              HKGS GeoSwas


                Definition of Trademark

                Trademark – a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.

                In other words, man is not and can never be a trademark. The word trademark does not illustrate the love for a game, simply because that’s not that trademark means. However, I think you meant to say “fanatic”, in which case, you’re right, I’m not. I’m not a fanatic of any game. I do have my favorite games, of course, but I’m not a fanatic. Doom is a good FPS shooter, so good in fact, that it’s managed to produce multiple Doom titles over the past 30 years. From 1993 to 2024, that’s 31 years.

                HKGS GeoSwas

                  Celebrating 10 years of The Elder Scrolls Online

                  I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since Bethesda released The Elder Scrolls Online. I know it’s nothing, but I’ve put in over 3,000 hours into this game, mainly running dungeons. Not only did I get burnt out after 3K hours, but I have other games to play. I’ll eventually jump back on ESO, but I’ll be so far behind on content, it’s not even funny. Nevertheless, here’s to a decade if The Elder Scrolls Online 🥂
                  The Elder Scrolls Online – You Belong Here

                  in reply to: The Dreamshaper V8! #11543
                  HKGS GeoSwas

                    I like the emerald tiger but I think it’s a bit over done with the green and gold. Also, I can’t read any of the text on the first post because you changed it all to light blue. If you’re going to use Dark Mode, make sure the color you choose are visible in both dark and light mode. Light colors don’t work well in a white background. Lastly, make sure you click on “REPLY” when replying to my post.

                    in reply to: The Dreamshaper V8! #11540
                    HKGS GeoSwas

                      This is the main website address to NighCafe The pictures on the site are really good. It’s impressive that you can create your own. In the search bar, just type what you’re looking for and you might find it. I’m not sure if you can create your own since I haven’t messed with it. I appreciate you posting the info. thanks!

                      in reply to: XDefiant Patch Notes & Issues #10780
                      HKGS GeoSwas

                        XDefiant’s Season 1 Patch Notes


                        Changed the expiration timing of activated Boosters so their lifespan counts down only during match time, when you’re actually playing, rather than all the time, like when you’re folding laundry or whatever.

                        Lowered the XP threshold for each Battle Pass tier to give Battle Pass progression a little more pep.

                        Tuned Match Bonus XP rewards: MVP and Victory went from 2,000 to 1,000 XP. Draw went from 1,000 to 500. Completion doubled from 2,000 to 4,000 to encourage player stick-to-itiveness.

                        Answered a community ask to add a headshot icon to the Killfeed because it feels good to rub it in.


                        Added the GSK faction and their no-nonsense announcer: HQ.
                        These elite Team Rainbow operators from Germany’s Border Protection Command specialize in crowd control and securing territory. They can deploy electrified barbed wire for area denial, counter incoming enemy devices with their Active Defense System, and dazzle multiple foes with flash charges mounted on their G52-Tactical Shield ultra. Call them Grenzschutzkommando because it’s fun and also accurate.

                        Increased the cooldown of Echelon’s Intel Suit from 30 to 40 seconds.

                        Tuned the cooldown of the Phantoms’ Mag Barrier from 30 to 40 seconds. Mag Barrier hit points were also reduced from 500 to 400.

                        The Phantoms’ AEGIS now takes damage from EMP grenades (lob six to put it out of commission).

                        DedSec Hijack cooldown decreased from 28 seconds (plus the remaining duration of the hacked skill) to 20 seconds (plus the remaining duration of the hacked skill).
                        For example, let’s say a Mag Barrier has 7 seconds left and gets hacked: The cooldown becomes 20 plus 7 seconds. Failed Hijack cooldown, meanwhile, decreases from 8 to 5 seconds.

                        DedSec’s Spiderbot cool-down increased from 25 to 40 seconds.

                        Adjusted Spiderbot behavior so multiple Spiderbots won’t attempt to hug the same face, nor will Spiderbots continue to ignore faces they’ve hugged multiple recent times. Some give and take from the Spiderbot kingdom.

                        Decreased the cooldown of Libertad’s BioVida Boost from 25 to 20 seconds.

                        Fixed Libertad’s Medico Supremo so it will no longer disappear after the deploying player respawns as a different faction.


                        Added the new Clubhouse map, a two-story hangout popular with international operators. Ideal for firefights in the short- to mid-range. Home to game modes Domination, Occupy, Hot Shot, and the new CTF.

                        Game Modes

                        Added Capture the Flag, hereafter referred to as CTF. For the uninitiated: You take the enemy’s flag from their base and bring it back to your own, while protecting your team’s flag. CTF is available on a variety of maps.


                        Improved the hit flinch penalty incurred when being shot with a sniper rifle equipped.

                        These changes are intended to refine the behavior of hit flinch, prevent instances where the camera would move off the target with the first hit and back onto the target with the second, and improve the experience for players sensitive to wild camera movements. Here’s the nitty-gritty:
                        The speed of the hit flinch camera transition has been increased by 25 percent.
                        The camera will now always kick upward rather than up or down at random.
                        The amount the camera will kick left or right has been increased by 3 times.
                        Added the L115 sniper rifle, which is not quite as heavy as the TAC-50 and has faster handling, although it deals slightly less damage and is not as effective at penetrating cover.
                        Added the LVOA-C, a snazzy customized rifle similar to the M4A1. It has a much faster rate of fire than the M4A1, but with that comes more recoil and less range. It also has slightly longer reload and equip times.
                        Added the Sawed Off secondary weapon. This close-range version of the double-barreled shotgun packs a big boom for its size. Imagine carrying a primary weapon in your secondary slot and that’s this.
                        Added new Mastery skins: Titanium Violet (unlocked at Weapon Level 300), Titanium Azure (unlocked at 350), and Titanium Prisma (unlocked at 400).
                        Fixed weapons and optics shake in first-person view while using ADS.


                        Added a new and improved visual effect for the flash grenade (replacing the previous effect, which was…intense). The new effect is less retina-searing but still appropriately disorientating.

                        Removed an exploit where players could respawn with multiple devices after fiddling with the “Copy Loadout” option in the lobby, so nice try.


                        Added the Creator Code program, which allows players to choose a creator to receive commissions from their XCoin purchases at no additional cost. Choose “Support a Creator” from the store to see a list of eligible creators.

                        Players were able to create a party with enemy players and voice chat during matches despite being on opposing teams, which seemed shady so that’s fixed.

                        Disabled whispers in text chat.


                        Tweaked the mix of in-game voices and sound effects for volume and clarity.


                        Players who participated in the Closed Beta were supposed to keep Kersey’s Dungaree skin. They didn’t but now they do.

                        Fixed Challenge-tracking issues with Ubisoft Connect.

                        Graphical and audio fixes, various.

                        Additional crash fixes.

                        in reply to: XDefiant Patch Notes & Issues #10612
                        HKGS GeoSwas

                          These are the new Patch Notes for XDefiant

                          XDefiant Y1S0.4 Patch Notes

                          If you thought we wouldn’t do another patch in Preseason, you thought wrong! Read more of what is changing in today’s Y1S0.4 update.


                          Sped up the process of unlocking weapon attachments by lowering the amount of XP needed to level up your primary weapon, from 3,500 to 3,000, and your secondary weapon, from 1,500 to 1,000. This change is retroactive, meaning your existing weapon levels will likely be even higher now. Pause for polite applause.

                          To counterbalance this speedier access to performance-enhancing attachments–and provide a greater challenge to the community–Weapon Mastery level requirements have increased. However, any player who has already unlocked Bronze/Silver/Gold skins will get to keep them. We’re not monsters.


                          Improved how quickly your health reacts when being shot, which should reduce the feeling of being shot behind walls.


                          Players wielding the MDR while strutting around in the Firestorm skin were experiencing an abnormal level of recoil, which has been reset to normal recoil. So strut away.


                          Restored the decorum of lying down when dead to players who previously remained on their feet after dying while under the influence of Libertad’s Medico Supremo ultra.

                          Additional crash fixes.

                          In my opinion, outside of the mastery level camos, Bronze, Silver, Gold, their are no camos challenges to grind for. This is one of my main issues with XDefiant. New camos are going to be added. I’m not sure if the new camos you unlock after you reach level 200 or, if they will require specific challenge. I think they should add weapon challenges similar to the way in which Call of Duty handles their camo challenges.

                          in reply to: Test Drive Ulimited Solar Crown #10529
                          HKGS GeoSwas

                            Test Drive Solar Crown Demo

                            I have a high end rig and regardless of settings, low or high, I couldn’t get past 40 FPS, with and without VSYNC, when I normally run my games at 165 FPS or higher. with 1080p It’s complicated to complete a race when the game stutters every 5 to 10 seconds regardless of settings. For me, the demo is unplayable which it’s a shame.

                            The specs are externally high. However, when it worked, it was fun. I like the idea of looking for hidden cars in the map to restore. I love the arcade feel, how the, in this case, the mustang handles. Speaking of which, couldn’t find a setting to change it to full on manual outside of the races. The only option was either automatic or semi-automatic.

                            What I liked about TDU 2, you started out broke, with a job, living in a trailer where you had the opportunity to race, make tons of money, move out of the trailer into a nice cozy apartment, buy cars, motorcycles, clothing, properties, travel to the Casino Island just to loose your wealth and start over by racing, instead of just living in a nice, fancy hotel. I’m not sure if Clans, The Sharps and The Streets offer a nice pad for you to stay in.

                            At this stage, I’m not sure if the specs are going to remain as they are of it’s going to change. If it remains, then, for me, the game will be unplayable regardless of settings. If it gets fined tune, then this is a must get for anyone that loves Test Drive Unlimited. It would be a real shame not to be able to buy and play due to the high specs demand. Not everyone owns a graphics cars with 12 VRAM. I understand that’s a “you problem”, Never the less.

                            Below are the specs needed to run Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

                            RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS (Medium 1080p 60FPS)
                            • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
                            • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i7-10700K or AMD Ryzen 7 5800x
                            • MEMORY: 12 GB RAM
                            • GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080, 8GB or AMD Radeon RX 6700, 10GB
                            • NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
                            • DirectX: 12
                            • Disk space: 50gb

                            HIGH SPECIFICATIONS (High 1440 @ 60 FPS)
                            • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
                            • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5-12600K or AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
                            • MEMORY: 16 GB RAM
                            • GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070, 12GB or AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, 16GB
                            • NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
                            • DirectX: 12
                            • Disk space: 50gb

                            PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS (Ultra 2160 @ 60 FPS)
                            • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
                            • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i9-14900K or AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
                            • MEMORY: 32 GB RAM
                            • GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, 24 GB
                            • NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
                            • DirectX: 12
                            • Disk space: 50gb

                            in reply to: XDefiant Patch Notes & Issues #10513
                            HKGS GeoSwas

                              These are the new patch notes that released within the last 24 hours

                              XDefiant Y1S0.3 Patch Notes


                              Added aiming penalties for players who go to town on the jump/crouch buttons, aka the nuanced tactic of jump spamming, aka the maddening exploit of jump spamming. Opinions vary.
                              Players can now push the package in Escort mode with confidence that their legs won’t detach from their torso and strand them, which was a thing that was happening.

                              Various fine tuning for long-distance shooting, including slightly reduced walking speed when holding your breath while wielding scoped weapons, which makes sense when you think about it.
                              Revamped how snipers flinch when they’re tagged by enemy fire, increasing the flinch and keeping it going through multiple hits. 
                              Squared away a PC-specific issue where players couldn’t set ADS on toggle after completing a match and changing game-play input.

                              Fixed an Xbox-specific issue where the Xbox button broke on the in-game Social menu after inviting a player from said console.
                              Fixed an issue that allowed blocked players to read your chat messages.
                              Tweaked the way ping is calculated in matchmaking so you’ll have access to a wider group of players who share your ping characteristics.
                              Players were unable to join a nearly full game in progress despite being invited by someone already in the game, but good news: Now they can.
                              Fixed an issue where players could join a game in progress that didn’t fit their meticulously customized controller and matchmaking settings.

                              Libertad’s medical skills were so potent, they were soaking up bandwidth. That’s been fixed (the bandwidth issue, not the healing potency, which remains untouched).

                              Added additional fixes so that Echelon players turn invisible only when using the Digital Ghillie Suit rather than for their entire lives. They’re supposed to be sneaky but c’mon.
                              Corrected how feats of Libertad battlefield medicine are highlighted at the end of each round for well-deserved peer-group recognition.
                              The camera used to shake when nearby explosives exploded whether the explosion caused player damage or not, but now the camera shakes only when the exploding explosive causes damage.

                              Tweaked the orientation of flags on the Liberty map.

                              Crash fixes, various.
                              Reduced the pop-up frequency of the “Banned for Toxicity” notification because you know who you are.
                              Fixed an issue preventing players from deploying abilities and devices after changing control input.
                              The Buzzkill Achievement wasn’t unlocking but now it unlocks according to plan.
                              Previously cosmetic items were displayed as available in some places but not in the place where you could actually get them. That’s fixed now.

                              In my opinion, outside of the mastery level camos, Bronze, Silver, Gold, their are no camos challenges to grind for. This is one of my main issues with XDefiant. New camos are going to be added. I’m not sure if the new camos you unlock after you reach level 200 or, if they will require specific challenge. I think they should add weapon challenges similar to the way in which Call of Duty handles their camo challenges.

                              in reply to: Black Ops 6 #10457
                              HKGS GeoSwas

                                This is the Black Ops 6 revel trailer. Keep in mind that Black Ops 6 is going to be a 300+ gig download, SBMM is going to be “tone down” not removed, EOMM is still going to be in the new CoD, in a sense, nothing is going to change other than it’s a new game with the same old problems because Activision refuses to listen.

                                in reply to: Xdefiant #10456
                                HKGS GeoSwas

                                  Here’s a look at XDefiant Season One Content, one new faction, 3 new weapons and maps, one new game mode – Capture the Flat (CTF) and TDM us dropping in a couple of weeks.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 56 total)
                                The Social Pit

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