HKGS GeoSwas

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  • in reply to: Black Ops 6 #10394
    HKGS GeoSwas

      Black Ops 6 is over 300 Gigs in size

      Are you kidding me or what? Black Ops 6 is a 300 Gig download! This is just 100% annoying. There is no reason why Black Ops 6 needs to take up 300 Gigs of hard drive space. Ever since Activion incorporated the CoD HQ to bundle all the current CoD games and Warzone, it’s just keep taking up space. If HQ is not the reason, then please, explain to me why Black Ops 6 is “over” 300 Gigs to install? I really want to know.

      in reply to: Xdefiant #9578
      HKGS GeoSwas

        According to Ubisoft, there will be no Pay-to-Win elements. Below, is what they’ve stated, verbatim. I’m not sure how much of the cosmetics will be locked behind a paywall or, for how much each battle pass, skin or bundle may cost. As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been any mentions of individual cosmetics for sale or bundles, as well as the Xcoins, similar to CoD Points

        Straight from Ubisoft
        We endeavor to be an amazing arcade shooter experience, in a Free-To-Play package. A crucial part of this will be to keep making great content to excite and engage our players for years to come, season after season.

        No Pay to Win
        We want to take this time to have an open conversation about the different types of purchasable content we will provide. But first, let’s go over a major point:

        There are no pay-to-win mechanics
        Any gameplay impacting content that is purchasable is also unlockable through challenges to ensure fair play amongst our community.
        For example, the DedSec faction in Preseason will be purchasable or unlockable through an in-game challenge by acquiring 700k XP.
        Rewarding Your Time
        Our goal is to be providing amazing customization options that reward all of the matches, victories, and even defeats that you put into the game. As you play that one more match, all of your time and energy will work towards unlocking content either through the Battle Pass or challenges.

        Just a few examples of how your time will be rewarded:

        Free Battle Pass Rewards
        In-Game Challenges, both Daily and Weekly
        Ubisoft Connect Challenges
        Weapon Mastery (with regular updates)
        Community Participation Rewards like Twitch Drops, giveaways, and in-game events.
        Focus on Customization
        We know being able to display your identity as a player is important, and so customization will be key to the XDefiant experience. We will be offering:

        Character Skins
        Weapon Skins
        MVP Player Animations
        Player Cards
        Emoji Packs
        Even more coming in the future!
        Evaluating Over Time
        Like we said, we know this is an important topic. A topic that demands reflection and evaluation. As XDefiant progresses, we will be listening to your feedback, as well as player surveys and in-game player data, and constantly evaluating to make sure we are providing fair and engaging customization options.

        At launch, here is the type of content you can expect:

        Premium Battle Pass
        Character cosmetics
        Weapon cosmetics
        Faction unlocks
        Player Card Backgrounds
        Player animations
        Emoji packs

        in reply to: Helldivers ll: Account Linking Update #9210
        HKGS GeoSwas

          Sony’s Bargaining Chip

          The only way the 177 countries will get to buy, play or continue playing Helldivers II is if the mandate to link Steam Accounts to PSN is enforced. Think of it as a bargaining chip. You want those countries to play Helldivers II, enforce the mandate! That’s the short of it. If Sony’s idea is to get PC player to link Steam Accounts to PSN, then the best move is not to buy any Sony games on PC that requires a PSN account.

          Ghost of Tushima Directors Cut requires Steam Account to be linked to PSN for the PlayStation overlay. Why? If this is what Sony plans to do with their games on PC, namely, Steam, to mandate PC players to link there Steam accounts to PSN, I might as well avoid all PS games on Steam altogether. I’m not the type to be harping on an issue. I state my peace and be done with it What Sony wants is for us PC players to link our Steam Account to PSN.

          You must be logged in to view attached files.
          in reply to: Helldivers ll: Account Linking Update #9090
          HKGS GeoSwas

            Due to all the push back from PC players on the Linking of Steam Account to PSN, Sony finally reverted it’s decision to do so. This may be a small victory for us who play Helldivers II on PC, however, the problem continues to persist with other PlayStation titles on PC, namely Steam. On May 6th, Sony put out a tweet stating the following

            we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward.

            Games like Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT and other PlayStation games on Steam will mandate a PSN account. Let me be clear, when the vast majority of PC players, including myself, say: we don’t want to link our Steam accounts to PSN, that goes for all PlayStation Games. There is zero benefit in linking your Steam account to PSN, let alone, having a PSN account on PC.

            in reply to: HELLDIVERS II #8993
            HKGS GeoSwas

              Incoming TransmissionCalling all Hell Divers to Take a Stand II

              A few days ago, I posted on this very forum asking all of my fellow Helldivers, from private and high ranking officers to top brass, to take a stand against the anti-democratic corp. Sony. After all Helldivers raised all kind of hell for Democracy. Liber-tea, and Justice, we, Helldivers have prevailed against The Automaton secret weapon knows as Sound Of New Yabu aka. SONY. This weapon was developed by the Illuminate, in full use by the Automatons in an unknown location in our very own home of Super Earth.

              Thanks to Super Earth’s Government and the Helldivers rasing their voices all over the internet, flipping reviews from Mostly Positive to Mostly Negative, It is with great honor to let all my fellow Helldivers brothers in arm know, that we, for now, have won the battle against this anti-democratic corp.

              A message was transmitted from this entity from a social site called Twitter/X. The following is a direct quote.

              Directly form Sony’s Twitter page.

              Helldivers fans — we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, WILL NOT BE MOVING FORWARD. We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans.

              This is a small victory, Helldivers. We’ve won the battle the the war continues. Sony say they are “learning” what is best for PC Players? The answer is easy … “WE DON’T NEED YOU TELLING US A DAMN THING”!

              🚨WARNING🚨, this could be a trap to ease tensions. Stay vigilant Helldivers, that’s an order! Anything less would be considered … TREASON!
              Celebration’s over maggots, get your asses back to work! MOVE OUT! We have Terminids and Automaton trash to take out!

              End of TransmissionRadio SilentStatic Nose

              in reply to: HELLDIVERS II #8986
              HKGS GeoSwas

                Incoming TransmissionCalling all Helldivers to Take a Stand

                The best thing we can do as a Helldiver community is stop playing Helldivers II until Sony reverts it’s decisions. We’ve all been playing Helldivers II up to this point without a problem. Now Sony wants to mandate all Steam players to Link our Steam Account to PSN. If not, we get locked out of a game we paid for. If you truly want to take a stand, stop playing Helldivers II until Sony reverts its’ decision.

                All the negative reviews, shouting, ranting, cursing up a storm don’t mean a thing if you continue to play. You have until June 4th to decide. Once they make Linking Steam to PSN optional or just remove it all together, then we can jump back in. Don’t believe me? Stop playing and watch the player base go from 100K to a few hundred people or less. And then lets see what Sony dose.

                Are you a Helldivers or just all talk? I’m going to do my part, Helldivers. The question is, are you? To do anything less or nothing at all would be considered … Treason!

                End of TransmissionRadio SilentStatic Noise

                in reply to: Helldivers ll: Account Linking Update #8962
                HKGS GeoSwas

                  As of time of writing, Helldivers II on Steam has over 100K Mostly Negative Reviews. It just took 24 to 48 hours to flip from Mostly Positive to Mostly Negative. And according to a post on Twitter, “They’re not forcing it, Redguard just wants to ban people”, can’t make make sense of it. As I’ve said before, Helldivers II is a PVE, 4 man co-op game with no pvp components nor “eSports” elements. And to link my Steam is to be bound by Sony’s TOS and I game on PC, not console.

                  in reply to: Grey Zone Warfare #8802
                  HKGS GeoSwas

                    As of now, these are the prices for Gray Zone Warfare, one hundred dollars for the “complete edition”. Honestly, I would wait for a summer or Black Friday sale and wait for the $100.00 price to drop to $59,99 or less. You can also find the price listing in the steam store page: Or, if you have Steam, just type Gray Zone Warfare in the search box and you will see the game page. Scroll down until you see the prices.

                    Standard edition is $35.00
                    Tactical Edition is $57.00
                    Elite Edition is $79.00
                    Supporter Edition is $99.00

                    Update: April, 30, 2024

                    These are the new price points for the editions of Gray Warzone
                    Standard edition is $34.99
                    Elite Edition is $45.00
                    Supporter Edition is $65.00

                    I still don’t like the idea of having multiple editions for one game. However, a game like, say, Call of Duty Modern Warfare III is $69.99. By comparison, The Supporter Edition is the way to go if tactical shooters are your thing. I might get it later on, perhaps. My deal is, Gray Zone Warfare is an early access game. I might wait for reviews to come in and go from there.

                    Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

                    in reply to: HELLDIVERS II #8756
                    HKGS GeoSwas

                      Yes, it’s on Steam, 300+ hours into Helldivers II as we speak, still fantastic. All we need now is the Illuminate invasion. I’m still curious, however, about the Cyborgs and their role. If you don’t know anything about the Cyborgs, that’s because it’s one of the factions in Helldivers I. Story or lore wise, I don’t know if there’s a link between both cyborgs and automatons or, if the cyborgs evolved into the automatons.

                      in reply to: Recent PTSD nightmare i had yesterday. #8272
                      HKGS GeoSwas

                        You mention “prophet” in chat the other day and how serious you want to take it. When you mention “prophet”, I’m sure your were alluding to a prophecy. Nothing in the dream you described is of no prophetic in nature and nothing you described alings with scripture. So, I’m going answer you this way.

                        1 John 4:1 KJV
                        1. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

                        Nowadays people have a daily prophecy or claim to be a prophet or God gave them a prophecy for the week or God spokethe them in a dream or vision. As funny or as ridiculous as that may sound, we were told in scripture it would happen. However, based the dream you described, it just involves you. Maning, it’s not some sort of future global event that’s going to take place. We know that because we have the prophecies of the Lord God Christ Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the revelation of Christ Jesus in the Book of Revelation.

                        Jeremiah 23:25 KJV
                        25. I have heard what the prophets said,
                        that prophesy lies in my name,
                        saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.

                        Jeremiah 23:31-32 KJV
                        31. Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. 32. Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord.

                        in reply to: The Book of Enoch Serious Discussion Center #8243
                        HKGS GeoSwas

                          Let’s get a few things clear so there’s no confusion. You’re already in a group. Get Back to Bible is the group you are in. You can not create a group within a group. If the group offers a forum, like this group, the only thing you can do is create topics for discussions/debates. You do not need to create a group for every single topic, that’s what forums are for.

                          Now, you posted a TOPIC on a serious discussion about Enoch, yet, you haven’t provided any information nor topic discussion. What about Enoch do you want to discuss? Have you read the entire book of Enoch to be informed? According to the holy scriptures, Enoch walked with God.

                          Genesis 5:21-24 KJV
                          21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: 22 and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: 23 and all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: 24 and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

                          Hebrews 11:5 KJV
                          5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God

                          Jude 1:14-16 kJV
                          14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, 15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. 16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.

                          These are the places where Enoch is mentioned. if you read through the entire bible, which you haven’t, you will notice that many book are mentioned, books that no one has. Yet, we have the Word of God in the scriptures. Furthermore, not every single detail was recorded. We are told this in the book of John.

                          John 21:25 KJV
                          25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

                          This is just concerning what Christ Jesus did alone, not to mention everything else. In short, everything we need to know, should know, past, present and future is in the holy scripture. And regardless of how many books, the main point is and will always will be that Jesus is the Son of God and Jesus is God and Enoch walked with God.

                          The next time you post a topic, make sure it has body of information. Keep in mind, you’re not writing a book, you’re creating a topic discussion that needs to have information relation to the topic that you want to discuss.

                          in reply to: Timothy and Titus Serious Discussion Center #8059
                          HKGS GeoSwas

                            If you want to create a thread and call it a serious discussion, then you need to refer to the holy scriptures. Hence, nothing you’ve claimed about Timothy or Titus is taught in the scriptures. I don’t know from where you’re getting your information, but you need to add your references. When we search for truth, we search in the scriptures as per Acts 17:11 KJV

                            Acts 17:11 KJV
                            11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

                            It is of the highest importance to search the scriptures for truth.

                            in reply to: Ashfall, a new online Post Apocalyptic MMO #8014
                            HKGS GeoSwas

                              If Ashfall is going to have a cash shop to sell you useless shit like stamina, then it makes sense. Hell, I can run a fucking dungeon in less time! Everything is a cash grab, question is, who’s dumb enough to buy … I’LL END it here because, I’m just going to go off! LOL

                              in reply to: Ashfall, a new online Post Apocalyptic MMO #7943
                              HKGS GeoSwas

                                Well, that’s the entire point of a BETA, to play it, test it out and if you or anyone that has a YouTube channel, will record game-play and give their opinion and thoughts on the game. Based on what he explained, I’m not interested in a stamina based game where stamina is use to enter instances. Furthermore, why even have a Stamina Recharge rate that last 8 minutes long? Am I going to play Ashfall, well, it’s it’s Free to Play, I’ll check it out for myself. If I run into the type of problem he explain, well, I have the option to uninstall. LOL Either way, I lost interest.

                                in reply to: Ashfall, a new online Post Apocalyptic MMO #7931
                                HKGS GeoSwas

                                  According to this dude, Ashfall is the worst MMO he’s ever played. Oh well. Anyways, he goes into detail in the video.

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