Rules and Guidelines

What You Will Find

First and foremost, I would like to welcome each and every one of you to The Social Pit. Between all of us, I look forward to growing and improving The Social Pit. Console or PC, we’re all gamers. In the Information Center area, you’ll find general information concerning The Social Pit website, such as: rules and guidelines concerning comments, community forums and Q&A, updates (if any), in coming changes, added topics, improvements, so on and so forth. With your support, feedback, The Social Pit will grow with time.

Thank you!

House Rules

The House Rules are simple and apply to the entire site. House Rules can be updated at any given time.

  1. Don’t Troll others.
  2. Don’t harass others.
  3. Don’t argue with someone that has a different opinion. You can agree to disagree.
  4. Don’t post perverted crap. Do I really need to explain this?
  5. Be respectful even if you don’t agree. You can exchange thoughts and opinions without arguments. It can be don’t. Just let it go. “sigh”
  6. Don’t sexually harass anyone.
  7. Don’t make any kind of threats.
  8. Crack jokes, have fun, lighten up. We’re gamers after all. Never loose the Fun Factor!
  9. Never give out your personal information: Full Name. Phone Number. Address. Social Security Number. Banking Information. Anything and everything that’s considered PERSONAL! This is for your protection
  10. Any public or private forum dedicated to racisms, perversion, hate, creepy crap, will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
  11. Sharing someone’s Social Security number (SSN), or personal information, without their consent is a serious violation of privacy and can lead to identity theft or other harmful consequences. Myself, nor The Social Pit will be responsible because you’re a complete and utter moron! This will result in an account suspension or account banned from the site.

Changing Usernames

There are times when you might want to change your screen name for whatever reason. In The Social Pit, you have your handle that starts with the @ symbol, this is known as a Handle. Names with the @ symbol can not be changed, for example: @Johndoe is the permanent handle. This is how friends or anyone an message you regardless of your username. To message someone directly, you use their handle.

Usernames A.K.A. Screen Names A.K.A. Gamer Tags , on the other hand, can be changed at any time in your profile settings. If John Doe changes his username to John Doe Senior his handle will remain the same, @johndoe. Your username will always be reflected on any post you make or have made, private messes and chatrooms. Every time you type the symbol @, you will see a list of name. The list may be long so, you may want to type up 2 to 3 letters until you find the person you want to message.

All handles starting with the @symbol are account bound. If, for example, someone wants to register with the Johndoe handle, he will be met with “This name is taken”. However, you may come across people with the same username, but their handles will always be different. If this annoys you, just imagine fifty usernames and handle the all read John Doe @johndoe, that would be confusing as hell. So, who’s who? You don’t know? Eh, I don’t know either. That’s why every handle is different.


If you want to address a specific person, first you my type the @ symbol followed by there name and then just post your message. Four Examples …

1) @thesocialpit, how are you?

2) How are you, @thesocialpit

3) @thesocialpit
How are you? Meet me in the Midnight Club chatroom, going to meet up with some friends.

4) How are you? Meet me in the Midnight Club chatroom, going to meet up with some friends.

If you want to send a message to multiple people, you can. Just add the names you want followed by the message. Make sure you leave a space in-between the names you add. For example…
@thesocialpit @johndoe @janedoe @johndoejunior Sup guys, let meet up in the Midnight Club in half hour.

When you are mentioned, you will receive a notification letting you know you were mentioned. You will also fine the Mentions tab on your Activity page and in the Community Hub. You can always choose replay to messages you are mentioned in . If you’re in a public chatroom, you can also use the @ symbol to address to a specific person. If you’re replying to forum topic with a lot of replies, you can use the @ symbol to one or more people along with your message.

Account Bound

All content created by you, the user, is tied to your primary account and is not shared with or transferred to other accounts. Should you decide to delete your account, access to any content you have posted, including Groups, Forum Topics, Replies, Messages, Blog Comments, and Friends List, will be lost. Content that no longer has an owner will be attributed to ‘Anonymous’ or marked as ‘Deleted User’ in the case of private messages.


Your suggestions are extremely important. It would help us build better content for our readers and improve upon The Social Pit website. If you would like to express your thoughts, leave them in the Feedback section.

Thank you!


I’ll be adding content In the coming days, weeks and months.


Registrations is free-no hassle process and it’s free to do so. Fill out the registration form. Choose a USER NAME. Your username will be displayed publicly with-in The Social Pit comment and forum section. Your username is what you will use to log into The Social Pit. Make sure you pick a user name you like. Your personal information such as your first and last name WILL NOT be displayed anywhere in The Social Pit.

If for some reason you no longer want to be part of The Social Pit community, you can always delete your account. However, if you wish to post, you must re-register. Posting in blogs, game reviews, comments & forums is for registered members only.

Thank You!

Question & Answers Forum

You can choose from any of the available categories when asking a question or just looking for help or info. However, if there’s a category you can’t find and would like me to added, feel free to add your suggested category in the Feedback section. I’ll be sure to add suggested categories with-in 24 hours.

Thank you!

Groups & Community Forums

Create groups to simplify talking to your friends, coordinating times to play together, even making plans for lunch! Groups are as casual or competitive as you want them to be – you don’t have to play matches or compete in tournaments – make groups for your different groups of friends, to meet new people, or organize a get-together in your area.

Community Forums are public online community forums where you exchange information and discuss topic issues that matter to you. Some members may use their real names. However, all public discussions should be civilized. Not everyone will agree, so, keep your emotions on check.

How to Start and Reply to a Forum Topic
When you enter a group, if you’re not automatically on the forum section, click on forum and then on Create New Topic. Choose your topic title and start typing. Your body of text should not consist of wall spam. Remember, people are going to read what you type. Make sure you separate your paragraphs. When you’re done, click on Submit. To reply to a topic, click on Reply or scroll down and reply with your thought or comments.

Friends: You can add/remove friends from your friends list. A block feature has been added for those wanting to block/unblock someone. A blocked individual won’t be able to send you messages or friends request.

Group Directory: In the Group Directory, under All Groups: you will find all groups created by the community, including your own created group(s). You can use the “Search Group” to look for a particular group. You can join as many groups as you like or join group that suits your interest. With-in the Group Directory, under My Groups: you can view group(s) you’ve created. Lastly from the Group Directory, under Create a Group: you can create and customize your own public, private or hidden groups(s).

The more groups you create, public, private, hidden, means the more groups you have to manage. Do not create more groups than what you can handle. Your are responsible for your own created groups. However, you can elect to have mods run your additional groups. Dead Groups – simply means an abandoned or empty groups within a forum. In which case, unpopulated forums with be removed with-in 7 days.

Group-Community Forums are public online community where you exchange information and discuss topic issues that interest to you. When you take part in a public forum, you should be civil. So, make sure you keep your emotions in check. Group admins can ban you from their group.

Messages: You can exchange messages in real time with people you’ve added to your friends list. Private Messages – can only be read by you and the person you’re sending the message to. You have to option to send private messages or make a message public. Public Message – will be visible to all in the Activity Feed.

Notifications: You will receive alerts letting your know you have a message or notification. The amount of messages and notifications are displayed by a Message and Bell Icon.

My Group: Under My Group in the drop down menu, you will Find Membership and Invitations. Memberships – are groups your belong to including your own group . When you enter your own group, you will see four options, Home, Members, Invite and Manage. From here, you will be able to manage your own group. You will also have the option to have more than one mod or administrator in your forum.

Administrators, like you, will have the option to ban, demote or promote users in your forum. There’s three roles to choose from, 1). Administrator 2). Moderator
3) Member. Make sure who you promote to administrator don’t abuse the ban option! You’re responsible for managing your own forum and who you promote or demote. You also have the option to delete your forum for whatever reason. Home – is where you have your group conversations.

Members – you have the option to see how many members you have. You can invite people from your friends list or from the All Members list. Invitations – are groups you are being invited to. You can accept or decline group invitations. Forum Banns – An administrator can ban you from a forum at the administrators discretion. If you’re banned from a forum, you won’t be able to enter that forum until the ban is lifted by the administrator. However, banns do not carry over to other forums.

There’s three types of groups you can create along with the option to add a group forum

  1. A Public Group – Any site member can join this group. This group will be listed in the groups directory and in search results. Group content and activity will be visible to any site member.
  2. A Private Group – Only people who request membership and are accepted can join the group. This group will be listed in the groups directory and in search results. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group
  3. A Hidden Group – Only people who are invited can join the group. This group will not be listed in the groups directory or search results. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.

My Profile: Under My Profile, you can view your personal information. Edit – You can change your User Name at any time. Change Your Profile Picture: You can add or change your profile picture. You can resize your picture for the perfect fit.

Notification: Here you will find all your notifications.

Settings: In the Settings sections you have five options, General – update your e-mail or change your password. Email – In this section, you can tweak your email notification preferences. Profile Visibility – What’s visible is the general information you entered when you registered. You’re personal name is never shown unless you are using your personal name as a user name. If for some reason you are using your personal name and don’t want to, just to to My Profiles and change your User Name. When you log in, however, you must use your username you chose at registration. Group Invites – In this section you can view your group invites from the community. If you don’t want to be bothered by group invites from the community, you can restrict group invites to your friends only. You can always change it in the future.

The Social Pit Directory: All members are found in The Social Pit Directory. You can click on a members name and send a private or public message or send them a friends request.

Public Chatrooms

The Social Pit offers public chat rooms where the entire community can gather together and chat, post emotes and GIF’s. Each chat room has its own name. Currently, there are 7 chatrooms in total with more chat rooms to be added in the future.

To enter a chatroom, just click Join Chat Room and when you are done, you can stay or exit the chatroom. You can join multiple chatrooms at once or just stay in your favorite chat room.

Each chatroom has a designated mod. Mod(s) are to make sure everything is semi-Sain. Any member can request to be a mod. However you may be a mod for one chat room at a time. Chat Room Mods have the capability to kick or ban anyone form the chatroom. Kicked member may rejoin the chat room. However, banned members will be permanently locked out of the chat room from where they were banned, in which case, you may join a different chat room.

Mods that abuse the kick and ban feature, will loose their mod status. At which point, if you get trolled, don’t come crying and complaining. No one told you to abuse the kick and ban feature. If you’re not sure if you should kick or ban someone, ask! Keep in mind that Hurt Feelings, differences of opinion, strong language, freedom of expression is not a reason to kick or ban anyone. You’ll see this later.

Choked Out

Getting Chocked Out is a process of elimination whereby your privilege to post are suspended temporarily or permanently. Temporary suspensions last between 7 to 14 days for the first offence. 30 days for the second offence. In no particular order, you can be chocked out from different sections of the site, for instance, posting or replaying to status in your Activity or Community Hub, Group Forums where you won’t be able to post or reply, even if you’re the owner of the group and you won’t be able to post comments on Opinion Blogs. on your third offence, you’ll be Chocked Out permanently.

Reports, Suspensions & Banns

To report a member, go to there profile and click Report. Submit a short detail, descriptive report (25 words or less.) When the report is received, reviewed, examined, probed, the appropriate action will be taken if any. Every report will be delt with in a case by case basis. This may take up to 24 to 72 hours. Any reports made by you are confidential and will remain confidential.

Abusing the Report Feature
Short and simple, all you need to do is report the person once, that’s it. if you start mass reporting continuously, you’re account will be permanently suspended and any other created account thereafter.

🚨Warning🚨: Hurt feelings, differences of opinion, strong language, freedom of expression is not a reason to report anyone, that’s why there’s a block feature! Click on the members profile and select Block , problem solved.

Suspensions & Banns
The Social Pit is a friendly place to come, hang, create forums, topic of interest, post comments. However, when abuse takes any shape or form in The Social Pit, account suspensions will be issued. Account suspensions can last from 3 to 7 days. At which time, a suspended accounts may be lifted or prolonged. If the abuse continues after the suspension is lifted, then your account will be banned indefinitely. However, you will not be banned for expressing your opinion. Everyone is has the right to express there opinion, like it or not. Any forum with an administrator that banns anyone person for expressing the sole opinion on any matter will be perma-banned from the site. At the same time, expressing your opinion should be done politely, meaning, no f-bombs, rages, temper tantrums. If you’re going to be a dick while expressing your opinion, then yes, your ass should get banned for being a rude dick. In short, express your opinion but don’t be a dick about it.

Game Reviews

Reviewing games will consist of past and current games, dating back to the Atari 2600. Playability, Sound, Graphics, In-Game Purchases (Micro-Transactions), Replay Value, Solid Controls (Keyboard/Mouse and Controllers on PC). These are the things I look for when I play video games.

Opinion Blog

The intent of the Opinion Blog is to express my sole opinion on any given subject matter. However, the Opinion Blog is not intended to bash, belittle, degrade, humiliate, troll, hurt, attack, promote, unethical behaviors at any given time. It’s an Opinion Blog post. ….. The opinions expressed here by me, Geo S. Scaletti, are my own.

Ads and Donations

Ads: The ads is a means to provide an income, to continue investing in The Social Pit. Also, you’ll notice I’ve added a PayPal (replaced by) Buy me a Coffee Donate button, in the home page. If you’re running any kind of pop-blocker, donating is another way to help support the content on The Social Pit. This will allow me to continue adding content and providing and improving upon The Social Pit. Donations are always optional. Thank You!

Public Forum Rules

1. No Spam, Advertising and/or Self-promote in the forums

These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums etc. Spamming also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users. DO NOT ASK for email addresses or phone numbers, if you do, you’ll be reported and your account will be banned permanently and your posts will be deleted. If you would like to promote your site, get permission from the Admin.

2. Do Not Post Copyright-infringing Material

Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain copyrighted materials is forbidden.

3. Do Not Post “Offensive” Posts, Links or Images

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting.

4. Do Not Cross Post Questions

Please refrain from posting the same question in several forums. There is normally one forum which is most suitable in which to post your question. However, you can use the same question in a group setting.

5. If You Need Help.

If you need help, make a new thread in the appropriate forum then the whole community can help and benefit. You can also create a help forum in The Social Pit Group

6. Remain respectful of other members at all times

I hate censorship, however, all posts should be respectful and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, you are expected to obey this rule. This forum as a hole is not a Battle Royal

The Social Pit

New Report
