Why I Would Not Bash or Trash Game Developers

When I think of bashing or trashing game developers, Activision’s CoD developers come to mind. Why? Well, they are most famous for being trashed and bashed, especially on YouTube. It sad to say that emotions get high, and I understand the love for Call of Duty games. I, myself am a Cod Head. Also, there’s practices that are implemented, such as macro-transactions and the newly added Battle Pass. I loathe both. Macro-transactions (MTX) along with Battle Passes do not belong in retail games with a price tag. Games are generally built around MTX. Too be clear, MTX are nothing more than a revenue stream. It offers no “entitlements” to the gamer. It gives the gamer no right to demand what needs to be added, changed, or implemented in the games.

From a business standpoint, I understand that gaming companies want to squeeze as much money from gamers as humanly possible, hence, locking the majority of cosmetics that might one earn while leveling up, behind a paywall with an expensive price tag attach to it. For example, micro-transactions could be a pack of 5 set full sets item for $1.99 to $5.00. Anything over $5 bucks is Macro- meaning a large amount. I’ve seen cosmetics skins, just one sold for $20.00 bucks. That’s Macro. You can spin it all you want. It’s still a large amount for one skin. Again, it’s revenue stream and the more people opt to buy in, the less of rewards we are all going to get.

However, these developers bust their butts day and night, maybe 7 days a week, to meet a deadline, to push out a product that not product that not broken. They communicate with gamers, by choice, through social media, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. Yet, you have some that bash, trash, humiliate, even threaten developers, or someone in particular in their staff. That’s additional stress that they don’t need nor deserve on any level, don’t give a damn what anyone says, that’s just a fact. There is no just cause to bash, trash, threaten, humiliate, or anything along those lines, just because you’re over emotional. I can never, nor would I ever do that. It’s pointless, childish and it serves no purpose, and nothing is going to change. However, there is a better method.

From a gamer’s perspective, I could care less for the above. I paid for my game. We all paid. It wasn’t free. Yet, the major cosmetics are locked behind a pay wall. Then, what the hell am I paying for? To do what? So, now I’m angry, upset, and I share opinion with the dev’s on their platform of choice. Now I see nothing changes. My pleas have been ignored. And the practices that I hate, continue to be added. Then what? Well, now I have to make a choice, buy the game or skip it all together. If I want to see change and see that no one listens, the other the only other option that I have left is not to buy the game. It’s that simple.

If you say you need CoD, have to have CoD, need to play CoD, can live without CoD. Hell, you have and addiction problem. If you want to see real change, take place, stop buying CoD games until set changes are made. It’s that simple. Bashing and Trashing gaming companies, developers, staff members, is just downright moronic and dangerous. So, if you really want to see a change, again, stop buying CoD or any other game that impalements the same type of practices, for that matter. Bashing and Trashing is not going to change anything. At that point, all they’re going to do is RedFlag you, block you and in the worst-case scenario, report you to the authorities.

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