CoD’s New Anti-Cheat System. You Can’t See Me Punk! Well, Not Yet

For Now You Win

On the 26th of April 2022, Activision has implemented a cloaking mechanism that makes legit players invisible. It may be cool, but it tells you that they have no other way to combat hacks and banning doesn’t work. After these companies that build hacks/cheats, figure out how to see what they cannot see, then what? That’s not an anti-cheat anything. That’s just making CoD “legit” players invisible. What’s next if it fails? See through mechanism. “Hey, I see him but can’t kill him, ammo just goes through.

Reporting Players Is Down Right Pointless

This is my problem. For years, CoD has always had a problem with players running hacks/cheats at one level or another and never made an effort of this magnitude to protect legit players. Why? Two reasons, 1), they push out a new CoD game every year and the old one forgotten about. Today, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, on Steam, would have a bigger player base if it weren’t for some that are running hacks/cheats. Call of Duty WWII suffers the same with cheats and hacks making it impossible to have a legit game and it ruins it for everyone. Players, the same players have been reported over and over for day and weeks, month, and these same players remain with nothing done. 2). Activision has implemented a Battle-pass and a Micro/Macro-transactions store.

Since Activision wants the Battle-pass and they in-game store to be profitable, they are going out of their way to ban those that ruin the game for everyone when they use hacks/cheats, in hopes people spend money in the store. “Hey, look, hackers are getting banned, lets buy something. Give me a break. I wouldn’t be surprised if a new hack was developed to counter the invisibility. Don’t get me wrong, I do hope this invincibility works out for the long run of future Call of Duty tiles. Also, developers need to stay ahead of the curve. At the end of it all, hack/cheat developers will continue developing hacks for Call of Duty games, That’s my personal opinion.

There’s No End in Sight

Why? Simply because it’s been allowed for this long. The companies that have been developing hack/cheat software, have been for years, they make millions off of gamers that either pay a one-time fee or a monthly sub for hacks/cheats. They aren’t going anywhere. Honestly, if Activision doesn’t crack down on these companies that develop hacks/cheat software, it’s going to continue, and it’ll be a constant war with no end in sight.

Am I Wrong

Am I confident in the fact that you can’t see me? No. No, I’m not. If I’m wrong, we’ll see in the coming days, weeks, and month, if it proves to be effective in long run, great. There’s nothing I would like to do more than to jump back on Call of Duty. All three developers, Treyarch, Sleagehamer Games and Infinity Ward, do a fantastic job in creating a grate FPS such as Call of Duty, and it’s a real shame that for every game that comes out; you have a group that always manages to bring hacks/cheats to the game ruining it for everyone.

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